Tuesday, May 12, 2009


(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)


Dengue and Chikunguya
From the end of March till the beginning of April, Chikunguya and Denque striked people in Kelurahan Sumberdukun, Kecamatan NGariboyo, and Kabupaten Magetan. Five were reported to be suffering from Dengue and Thirty from Chikunguya Five death were reported in Central Kalimantan from dengue during the first 3 months of 2009. Main factor that caused dengue was found to be lack of awareness in health and hygiene. The Puskesmas (health department) of Kelurahan Sumberdukun is carrying out fogging activities to address the problem.
Source: www.kompas.com

Singapore Flu
Singapore Flu is the current Health hazard. The symptoms are quite similar to the common flu i.e., fever with ulcer, red spots on palm and feet. On April 15, it was reported that 8 children under 5 years of age suffered from this disease. According to the Health Department of DKI Jakarta, this disease is infectious. Singapore Flu is spreading through people who are coming back to Indonesia after travelling. It spreads really fast with 7 days incubation period by direct contact, air, saliva, urine, and feces. The most vulnerable group can be categorized as the infants (less than 1 year), children suffering from asthma, people with derivative heart disorder, people who are undergoing treatment for cancer, people who are suffering from diabetics and elderly citizens. Herdiman T Pohan, the Head of Tropical and Infectional Division in Internist Department of University of Indonesia -Cipto Mangunkusumo Public Hospital has advised that the vulnerable communities have to avoid contact with the objects.

Since 13th of April 2009, 858 people suffered from Diarrhea in West Nusa Tenggara. 171 of them are undergoing treatment and 3 of them died. The outbreak occurs along the rivers flows.It is basically happening due to lack of precaution among residents on drinking water. Residents are habituated in drinking water without boiling.
Source: www.thejakartapost.com

Two earthquakes of magnitude 5.3 Richter scale occurred in Mentawai Island, West Sumatra on Friday morning (17th April 2009). The day before, an earthquake of magnitude a 6 Richter scale had struck Mentawai Island. People are quite worried about the occurrence of tsunami on the coastal areas. The Indonesian Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency (BADAN METEOROLOGI KLIMATOLOGI DAN GEOFISIKA or, BMKG) said the earthquake did not cause a tsunami. No casualties reported so far.
Source: www.kompas.com, www.thejakartapost.com

On April 15, 2009, the Jakarta Post had reported the flood that submerged hundreds of houses in six districts across Indragiri Hulu regency, Riau. It has now spread to two more districts. The water level of Lala River is also increasing now. It is affecting Pasir Penyu district after inundating Batang Cenaku, Batang Gangsal, Seberida, Kelayang, Peranap and Batang Peranap districts. More than 800 houses accommodating around 550 families are submerged. Flood water has reached around 85 centimeters and submerged 340 hectares of agricultural land and 20 fish farms.
Source: www.thejakartapost.com