Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Selected Participants for Apprenticeship Program

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)


17 applications were so far received by December 16th 2007, ACF finally select 3 candidates to undergo the apprenticeship program. They come from various NGOs working in disaster related activities. Following are the short profile of apprentice.

Milka Jalla
Milka works in Lendola Foundation, an NGO based in Alor, East Nusa Tenggara, as a field officer. She works on Lendola Foundation since 2005. She was chosen as representative of Lendola Foundation in terms of capacity building training. She has experience as community facilitator. Alor experienced multi Hazard risk, such as earthquake, flood, tide wave, and social conflict. Lendola , in collaboration with PIKUL, is currently working on CBDRM project. According to Milka, Her objective in joining the apprenticeship program is to increase the knowledge and skill in disaster risk management, community organizing, and CBDRM to be implemented in her area of intervention.

Muh. Sukirno Kasnur
Sukirno works as Program Officer in local NGO named TRUST (Treatment Natural Resources Team). TRUST is based on Baubau, Sulawesi Tenggara. Babu-bau has low intensity rain, but preparedness of the government in flood management is relatively low. In the past, TRUST has been developing infrastructure on flood management. In the future, TRUST is planning to attach community based approach on their flood management program.

Ghufron works as emergency relief and peace building officer AMAN Indonesia. He joined AMAN Indonesia on September 2006. AMAN Indonesia is currently developing a work plan for disaster preparedness in Cakung, East Jakarta. The opportunity to increase knowledge and skill from Disaster Preparedness Program run by ACF is according to him a good asset. Sharing of information, skill, and networks are his expectation on apprenticeship beside valuable knowledge on disaster preparedness.

Closing up

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Launching of ACF's Apprenticeship Program

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

In effort to support human resources development at local level, Action Contre la Faim (ACF) through its Disaster Preparedness Program is launching an apprenticeship program in Disaster Preparedness. The apprenticeship program will select 2 or 3 participants from local NGO’s or local government of disaster prone area to join series of activities in ACF for 1 month. During the session, participants will have the opportunity to adopt, modified, and develop the knowledge they received through the program into their own area.

The objectives of the program are:

  • Sharing of information and experience between ACF and partner agencies as participants of the apprenticeship program.
  • Improve knowledge and skill of participants in Community Based Disaster Management
  • Improve network between apprenticeship participants with various DRR practionners and other stakeholders involved at different level in DRR.
  • Receiving feedbacks from participants on the performance of Disaster Preparedness Program conducted by ACF in 3 Kelurahans.
The apprenticeship program is planned to be followed by 2-3 participants. To be the selected participants, several criteria needed to fulfilled are:
  • Minimum High school graduate
  • Staff of government institution or LNGO, CBDO working in disaster management activities, and located in flood prone area.
  • Candidates are staff who currently working on disaster management program or projected to work in disaster management program in their institution.
  • Show strong motivation and commitment to work on disaster management program
  • Willing to undertake the apprenticeship program and to implement the knowledge received in their institution.
  • Having commitment support from the line manager in their institution.
Time and Venue
The apprenticeship program will be conducted in Jakarta on January 14th until February 8th 2008 (20 working days).

The content of the program are:
  • Disaster Risk Management basic concept and Community Based Disaster Management approach Capacity Building in CBDM
  • Community Organizing in CBDM
  • Disaster Education and Campaign
  • Field activity in 3 Kelurahan (learning by doing)
  • Coordination/networking (meetings attendance, events …)
  • Report Writing
  • Restitution: Designing and implementing a CBDM
Expected Outcome
As the output, participants are expected to have:
  • The knowledge of basic concept of Disaster Risk Management
  • The knowledge to analyze various stakeholders on Disaster Risk Management field
  • The knowledge of the concept of Community Organizing
  • The skill to analyze other area in the concept of Disaster Risk Management
Additional Information
ACF provides reimbursement of air transportation for economy class and land transport. The maximum amount to be given for transportation is 2.500.000 IDR, which will be given based on real expenses. ACF will provide meal allowance for 50.000 IDR per day for 20 day. Accommodation in Jakarta will be provided.

For more information, contact:
Erma Maghfiroh
Jl Dharmawangsa IX No. 120
Phone. 021-7257320 or 7220775
Fax. 021-7248768
Email :

How to Apply
Submit your CV at latest Sunday December 16th 2007.
Submit 1 page essay of where you currently working and what makes you interested to join the program.
Submit a written statement to participate fully on the whole session conducted (20 working days) and recommendation letter from his/her manager.

All document to be send to at latest Sunday, December 16th 2007

Selected candidates will be contacted by ACF at latest Wednesday 19th December 2007.

Selected Participants
Closing up

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Monday, December 3, 2007

Press Review for November 2007

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

Jakarta has started to prepare itself for flood. Since November 6th, flood has occur in 4 areas ofEast Jakarta, namely Kampung Melayu, Bidara Cina, Cawang, and Kramat Jati. No evacuation has been conducted. On November 19th, following the massive rain in Jakarta and “water shipment” from Bogor and Depok has widen the flooded area in Jakarta. In Kampung Melayu, Bukit Duri, and Petogogan, flood has reach 1 – 1.5 meters high. Not only in Jakarta, several other provinces has also experience flooding. It was recorded that Riau, Central Java, Papua New Guinea, South Kalimantan, North Sumatera, and Banten were also flooded in several areas.

On disease issue, diarrhea attack North Jakarta area. Unsterilized mineral water was suspected to be the cause. A number of 113 people were infected and 7 of them even died. Avian Influenza was still occurring. Another death occurs in Riau and Tangerang. From DIY, dengue was recorded to take at least 10 lives per year. In Magelang, the Health Office has increase their preparedness due to increase of dengue case in the there area. Other disease-related topic in highlight this month are extraordinary occurrence of Anthrax in Kotabaru, Ende NTT, Malaise killed 17 people in NTB during 2007, extraordinary occurrence of Chikunguya in Purwakarta, and Health Office of Sumenep found 50 cases of malnutrition.

Earth Quake in Dompu, NTB killed at least 6 people, injured hundreds of people, and causing damage up to 70 billion IDR. Bengkulu was also experiencing earthquake on Tuesday Morning November 6th 2007, November 11th, November 17th, and November 29th 2007. While massive rain has caused landslide in Banjarnegara, Kebumen, and Banyumas. Two people were reported to be dead. Landslide was also happened in Pontianak, West Kalimantan. Hurricane phenomenon still occurs in Semarang Central Java, Pati, and Sidoarjo.

International news, death victims of Sidr Hurricane in Bangladesh has reached 1800 people. The number was later on revised by Bangladesh Red Crescent to be 10.000 people. In Dominika, Noel Storm has killed 81 people, Titag Storm in Philippine killed 10 people, earthquake in Niigata Japan killed 6 people, and humanitarian crisis in Somalia has caused 88.000 people flles from their home.

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Friday, November 30, 2007

Climate Change

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

Quoting from” The other half of climate change: Why Indonesia must adapt to protect its poorest people”, UNDP, 2007:

Impact on urban dwellers
A sea level rise of between 8 and 30 centimeters would also have a serious impact on coastal cities such as Jakarta and Surabaya, which will become even more vulneable to flooding and storm surges. This problem has been made worse in Jakrta becuase at the same time as the sea level has been rising, the ground level has been falling: the construction of tall buildings and the increasing extraction of ground water have been causing the land ti subside. But Jakrta has regularly been subject to regular flooding as a result of heavy rainfall: in early february 2007, flooding which lasted for about 22 days killed 57 people and forced 422,300 to leave their homes, of which 1,500 were destroyed. Total damaged was estimated to be about US$695 million.

One stdy has estimated that the combination of a sea level increase of about 0.5 metres and continuing land subsidence would lead to the permanent inundation of six locations – three in Jakarta (koasmbi, Penjaringan, and Cilincing) and three in Bekasi (Muaragembong, babelan, and Tarumajaya) – with atotal population of approximately 270,000 people. Many other parts of the country have recently experienced flood disasters, Heavy floods in Aceh, for example, at the end of 2006 took 96 lives and displaced 110,000 people who saw their livelihoods and assets destroyed. In 2007 in Sinjai, South Sulawesi,s everal days of floods destroyed roads and bridges and isolated 200,000 people. Later in the year, floods and landslides in Morowali, North Sulawesi forced 3,000 people to move into tents and barracks.

And from another chapter about The adaptation imperative:

Adaptation in urban areas
Many of the health issues need to be given particular emphasis in the urban areas. For Jkarta, for example, the Indonesian Red Cross has a climate-change campaign to improve clean water strage and reducing vulnearbility to dengue fever through cultivating fish that eat mosquito larvae. These activities are based in building local capacity and participatory planning – reaching out to youth and increasing awareness of adaptation among local government and community leaders.

As the floods in 2007 in Jakarta demonstrated, the vulnerable urban communities also need to be prepared in particular for the eventually of floods – and should have emergency plans in place.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Flood in Penjaringan, November 2007

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

Kelurahan Penjaringan area, especially RW 017, or known as Muara Baru, experienced flood since Sunday 25th November 2007. Coastal flood is a frequent event as this area lies on low land of coastal area. Over the past few years, water debit on coastal flood has increased.

The main reasons of the flood are; First: Sea level has exceeded the height of the dam, causing sea tide flows to houses easily. Second: the drainage in this area is clogged making it more difficult to sea water to recede.

Sea water starts to enter houses on 8 am. Based on information from communty, the highest water volume happens on Monday November 26th 2007. After that day, water still come to the land after the day but not as high as on Monday. The water usually starts to recede on 4 pm, by 7 pm all water has receded. But in the next day, water will come again at around 8 am.

Picture's explanation: The left picture was taken in the morning when water comes, and the left pictures was taken in the afternoon when the water has recede.

Inundated Area:
• RW 01, water mark 30 cm
• RW 02, water mark 30 cm
• RW 03, water mark 30 cm
• RW 017, 8 RT flooded up to 1 meter high. The worst affected areas are RT 18, 19 and 20

Injured Victims
Three people were injured hit by wood block carried away by flood.

Damaged Houses
There are 16 houses collapsed in RW 017 were hit by sea water and wood block carried away by flood.

- Kelurahan (2 evacuation tents, 10 box of instant noodle, and 30 box of mineral water
- Indonesian Red Cross (100 pc of blankets, 30 box of instant noodle, and 2 sack of mineral water)
- UPC (1 evacuation tent)
A health post was also set up by Penjaringan Sub District.

Community Activity
Plenty of people choose not to do their activity as most of their revenue comes from trading. Market activity was completely stopped because the market was flooded. Small shops (warung) which lies in higher ground or have private small dike were still operated.

Access to transportation
Mobilization was conducted by trishaw (becak) or boat. Some of people choose not to do any activity and waiting for the water to recede instead.
Vulnerable Group
Children and elder usually stays in their second floor’s house. If in any case, some of them need to leave the house, SAR team will help the evacuation process using boat.

Head of Lurah as Chairman of Satlinmas has conducted several efforts as follows:
- Setting up evacuation tent in Iron Factory.
- Setting up 2 public kitchens (1 in Kelurahan Office, another one in Gedung Pompa)
- Coordinating SAR Team
- Distributing food aid

Based on the assessment result, ACF decided to send 2 rubber boat for RW 017, Kelurahan Penjaringan.

Writer: Arde Wisben
Translator: Erma Maghfiroh

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Saturday, November 3, 2007

Press Review for October 2007

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

Mount Kelud in in the highlight of the month. Increase activity of Mount Kelud has raise eruption thread. As of October 19th, most of local people still refused to evacuate. Apart from their bigger trust on Mbah Ronggo, the community leader, people has also raise an issue on the difficulties for them to access their source of income while they are in evacuation zone.

Rain season is coming, flood is approaching. In Lhokseumawe, 11 villages were flooded up to 50-80 cm high. In Medan city, some of the areas were even flooded up to 2 meter high. From Jakarta, 11 people representing flood victims submit appeal in City Court of Central Jakarta. Vice Governor of Jakarta, Prijanto, stated that flood in Jakarta will most likely difficult to be avoided. Therefore, Provincial Government prefers to conduct anticipation Activity in some of the flood prone areas. The activity consist of having 3.500 officials stand by, completed with equipment, early warning system, and medical back up (see page 9). In North Jakarta, tide on Monday (29/10) has inundated Tanjung Priok, Pademangan, and Muara Baru.

At least 7 sub districts in Garut, West Jawa, experienced landslide, Tuesday (30/10), damaging tens of houses and disconnecting some roads. In some areas of Indonesia, drought was happening. Farms in Tanjungbungin, Solokan, Tanahbaru and Telagajaya Village, Karawang, West Java were facing plant-failed due to dry season going on till this date. In Jasinga, Bogor, drought has caused water crisis. Water is difficult to get, and even if they get the water, the quality is bad. In Central Java, 25 sub districts and cities are facing the same problem.

Death victims of Avian Influenza are rise. AR (21) from West Java, died on September 28th, LT (44) from Riau, death on October 6th 2007, Ir (12) from Tangerang, died on October 13th 2007, and the last 4 year old child died on October 22nd 2007. Therefore, death victims on avian influenza have reached 89 people.

In Medan, Dengue is spreading again, during October, two people has died on dengue (see page 30). The number of HIV/AIDS patient in North Sumatera is in alert level. Up to June, the number of patients has reached 1.033 people. Post Idul Fitri, the number of diarrhea patients in Soedarso Hospital, Pontianak dominated. The same condition happened in Syamsudin Hospital, Sukabumi. High increase of number of patients has also happened in Palembang and surround.

Storm hit 5 sub districts in Palolo, Central Sulawesi, damaging tens of houses and public facility. Gobogan and Kudus district, Central Java also experienced storm. On Monday (15/10), storm hits 3 villages in Mandar, North Sulawesi Utara. In Demak, 502 houses were badly damaged, 13 of them were collapsed, hit by storm.

October’s edition also contains the statement from Fauzi Bowo, Governor of Jakarta; all parties have to be proactive in preparation and handling on disaster. An article from one of the house representative of West Java Province on disaster management was also attached.

International news, Vietnam was flooded, caused by Lekima storm. In West Africa, flood has caused 800.000 people affected. Series of high intensity earthquake of 6.7 RS shaken New Zealand, Tuesday (16/10), only causes minor damage. IN California, United States, fire department, as of Tuesday (23/10), still fighting massive fire in South California causing hundreds thousands of citizen evacuated.

Writer: Erma Maghfiroh
Translator: Erma Maghfiroh

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Monday, October 29, 2007

Jakarta’s Disaster Awareness Week

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

Implementing Governor’s instruction number 124 Year 2007, Satkorlak organize a series of activity on Jakarta’s Disaster Awareness Week, held on October 25th – 31st 2007. ACF was invited to participate on these activities. There are 2 activities ACF participating on, namely Flood Anticipation Simulation and Disaster Awareness Exhibition.

On Flood Anticipation Simulation held on Boroboudur University, Kalimalang, East Jakarta, ACF sent representatives of Satlinmas member from 3 intervention area (Kampung Melayu, Cipinang Besar Utara, and Penjaringan). Ten people from each Kelurahan participate on the simulation.

ACF was also participating on the exhibition held in Monas, October 25th – 28th 2007. The exhibition was launched by Vice Governor of DKI Jakarta, Prijanto. Not only launching the exhibition, the vice governor spare time to visit each of booth that were opened. Several government institutions, Police, Non government institution were participating. UNTWG (UN Technical Working Group) was also part of the participants. ACF’s stand took concept of “Are my room is ready for flood?” A number of furniture was exhibited on the booth, such as cupboard, mattress, chair, and mat. ACF was also promoting the effort can be taken to save personal belonging by wrapping it all with plastic bag and tighten it very hard. The effort can minimize the risk of missing or damaged belonging during the flood. But off course, all of the belonging needs to be moved to a safer/higher place.

Related Articles.
Pemda Jakarta : Pemprov DKI Gelar Pekan Sadar Bencana
PMI Jakarta : Pekan Sadar Bencana Tahun 2007 Propinsi DKI Jakarta
Dinas Kesehatan : Pameran Pekan Sadar Bencana 2007
Dinas Pemadam Kebakaran : Pameran Dan Pekan Sadar Bencana Di Kawasan Silang Monas
Orari DKI Jakarta : Pekan Sadar Bencana
ORARI DKI Jakarta 25-28 Oktober 2007

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Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Press Review for September 2007

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

During September, earthquake shakes Banyuwangi and Situbondo on Monday (10/9) with 5,1 RS. No casualties reported. On September 12th 7,9 RS earthquake shakes Bengkulu. The epicentrum was located on Indian Ocean. Although tsunami warning was issued on the beginningm but on 8.19 pm BMG finally confirmed that no tsunami happened. This earthquake damaged thousands of houses in Bengkulu and West Sumatera. The shake was felt in Jakarta and Banten also. Up to September 15th 2007, the number of victims has reached 21 people and 1,5 trillion IDR in loss. Another earthquake on 5.2 RS shakes Lampung (25/9). In Aceh (30/9) a 5.0 RS tectonic earthquake happened.

Landslide on 2 different places, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan and, Agawagon, Papua (1/9) has killed 7 persons. The landslide was triggered by massive rain causing flood. Batam, Tolitoli, and Muara Enim, South Sumatera were also facing flood in their area. Ironically, with some areas facing flood, some other area was facing drought, such as in Ciamis, Gresik, and Madura.

Avian Influenza has not stopped bothering our country. Another person has positively infected by the virus. In Denpasar, there area 3 additional patients as AI suspect were being treated. Senoir Coordinator of UNISC, David Nabarro reminded that AI pandemic in Indonesia is coming in any time. Other disease, dengue, has increased significantly in Tolitoli. In NAD, 4 persons have died on dengue during 2007. From Donggo, NTB, 10 persons were reported to be affected by measles. Local Health Unit has declared extraordinary occurrence on this area.

Fire happened in Kelapa Gading (8/9), Pasar Rebo (12/9), and Pulogadung (16/9).

Malnutrition in TTU, NTT has reached extraordianry status, stated hea of Health Unit of NTT, dr. Michael Suri, MM. Six people have died on malnutrition on NTT. News reported that during 2007, 1.227 child under five in NTT are facing malnutrition.

International news, various disasters happened. The worst flood in South Asia strike India, causing more than 2.5 million people flees from their houses. Africa was also facing flood, which has killed at least 300 persons. Felix Storm in Nikaragua killed 21 people. A typhoon in South Korea killed 10 people.

Writer: Erma Maghfiroh
Translator: Erma Maghfiroh

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Saturday, September 29, 2007

Cross Visit Cipinang Besar Utara to Penjaringan

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

In the spirit to gain more information and strengthening relationship between two areas, twenty four people from Cipinang Besar Utara visit Penjaringan on September 23rd 2007. The group consist of representative from Karang Taruna Kelurahan, Karang Taruna RW 04, 07, 12, FKPPI and Kali Arus).

During the session, both areas used the opportunity to share their experience mainly in managing Karang Taruna organization. On the event, Cipinang Besar Utara has learned many things on Karang Taruna topic, how to organize, how to handle blank period, how to develop programme, and how to reorganize the staff. The visit has also reminded the two areas on the importance of youth role in flood management. After the visit, Penjaringan is planned to have a return visit to Cipinang Besar Utara.

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Friday, September 28, 2007

Early Warning System Workshop in Cipinang Besar Utara

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

On September 21st - 22nd Pada 2007, Fifty three community representatives from Cipinang Besar Utara participates in EWS Workshop held in Cibubur. These 53 persons come from RT, RW, Youth Organization, Kelurahan Board, Women Organization, Satlinmas, and Community Organization.

The workshop presented a resource person from Satlak East Jakarta, named Mr. Suparno (Chief of SAR). The workshop has identified early warning system element and chain. An early warning simulation was also conducted.

After the workshop, participants are planned to take a visit to Cipinang Hulu and Pulogadung Watergate as they also plays role in early warning system chain. A continuation workshop in municipal level is also part of the plan.

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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Clean Community of RT 08/017 Penjaringan

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

On September 21st 2007 community of RT 08/017 Penjaringan area conducted a clean community activity. Regarding the fasting month, the activity took time in the afternoon. About 15 youngsters participate in the event.When it come near to fasting break time, men and women join the group. This activity was completed by joint fasting break, inviting community leader of 4 RT in RW 017(RT 01, 02, 08, and 12). This activity has initiated the idea to develop joint youth organization of 4 RT (RT 01, 02, 08, and 12) and regular monthly clean community activity in the neighborhood.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Cross Visit Kampung Melayu to Cipinang Besar Utara

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

Participants of Satlinmas Workshop of Kampung Melayu got the opportunity to take a visit to Cipinang Besar Utara. They were having a discussion with Lurah and Kelurahan Board of Cipinang Besar Utara, taking a composting training with Mr. Idris, and closed with joint fasting break.

As an effect of the visit, Kampung Melayu’s plan to conduct a composting training in their kelurahan in order to share the new knowledge they have gain during the visit. The plan to form Karang Taruna Kelurahan has also become even stronger.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Satlinmas Workshop of Kampung Melayu

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

Completing the series of Satlinmas Worskhop in 3 kelurahan, September 17th – 18th 2007 was Kampung Melayu’s turn to have the workshop. The workshop held in Alia Hotel, Matraman. On the day 1, 40 people attended, and 27 people attended the day 2.

The workshop was focused on building environmental awareness in community. Resulted from the workshop, an agreement to form a disaster management organization in kelurahan level was announced. As a follow up, the proceeding report will be submitted to Lurah Kampung Melayu as part of the base to issue Lurah Decree on Satlinmas. Another announcement was, Kampung Pulo Youth was declaring their plan to form an organization called “Pemuda Kampung Pulo Perduli Banjir”.

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Monday, September 24, 2007

Group breakfast in Cipinang Besar Utara

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

As part of the community awareness campaign, community in RT 014/04 has conducted a group breakfast held on September 16th 2007. Before the breakfast time, a video was played, showing some activities of Cipinang Besar Utara’s community and flood preparedness video from Vietnam. Discussion and Q&A Session was also attached.

Twenty five youngsters lived in flood prone areas attend the activity. Information presented in the event is expected to be useful for them to better participate and organize flood management activity. Related to this event, the youngster was also planning to make a local video. This video is hoped to be better understand by the community as it shows their own area.

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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Public Campaign Strategy: Non Structural Measures of Jakarta Flood Management

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

The workshop was hosted by Department of Public Work, held Millenium Hotel, Thursday August 30th 2007. DRR Assistant attended the workshop.

Keynote topics are:
Living in Harmony by Saskia Ras
The strategy are: Campaign for administrators (2002), Public campaign (2003), Facilitate regional and local authorities to join, Weatherman illustrates sea level rise (2003), Weatherman explains in comics (2003), and Bring solutions closer to the public (2005-2006). There are several difficulties they need to face: many parties, skepticism, and lack of man power. But there are several success factors they are willing to share: support on administrative level, mandate for campaign team, good messenger, measurable success, strategic intermediaries, and long haul.

Risk Awareness Building by Sjoerd Hoornstra (Prog Manager Flood Emergency Management, Netherlands Ministry of Public Work)
Flood Risk Policy Goal is to control flood risk to an acceptance level. Netherland has 9 million people, with 60% of the country laid in the flood risk areas. Present initiative conducted in Netherland is “Think Ahead Campaign”. Government allocated 1 million euro per year for 2006 -2010 on this initiative.

Experience of Implementing Communication Strategy in Jakarta Flood Management by dr. Ernie Widianty (Bapeda Jakarta)
Jakarta has learned a big lesson on Flood 2002. Public education is needed, not only for external but also for internal staff of the provincial government. Some of the strategy implemented are building Information Support Unit (ISU), Lurah Empowerment, Exercise (Gladi), Public Education, etc.

Experience of Implementing Communication Strategy in Jakarta Flood Management by Ir. Dedy Permadi (Dept PU)
The type of communication implemented by Public Work Dept is mass communication (using mass media) and personal communication (especially to community group directly affected by flood. Both of the type should be conducted simultaneously.

Group discussion
Discussing problems of communication in Jakarta Flood Management, Target Groups, the contents of messages, and who deliver messages.

Writer: Erma Maghfiroh
Translator: Erma Maghfiroh

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Monday, September 3, 2007

Press Review for August 2007

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

Although the tension is no longer as high as the early appearance, avian influenza still appears in some occasion. In Purbalingga, 2.270 chickens died with the indication of AI. The same indication appears in Sukabumi. In Bali, 3 people died as AI suspect. They are later on confirmed to be affected by AI. In Tangerang, one person died of AI. Bali is predicted to be next AI endemic area. Eight sub district in have been affected by this virus. Numbers of patient as AI suspect are now in the treatment of Sanglah Hospital in Denpasar.

Drought starts to affect several areas in Indonesia. Kekeringan mulai melanda beberapa wilayah. Farmers in Cirebon, Indramayu are worrying crop failed, if they plant cannot receive water in time. Drought has also happened in 22 districts of Central Java. The same problem is faced by farmers in Blitar, East Java. Aside from the weather, the reduction of water catchments area is the source of problem.

Still on weather effect, storm has damaged at least 600 hundreds houses and buildings in 6 villages in Bogor. Meanwhile, another storm hits coastal area in West Sumatera. Another disaster, flood, strike Halmahera district, North Maluku, destroying at least 176 houses. The total number of Morowali flood victims has reached 81 people. Evacuation will be held up to August 9th. The evacuation activity was obstructed by geographical difficulties, the same difficulties faced by health and sanitation aid distribution.

Earthquake still occurs in several areas in Indonesia. Bengkulu was facing a tectonic earthquake of 5.7 RS on Friday, August 3rd 2007, no casualties reported. Panic was felt on Jakarta and Bandung area due to an earthquake happened on Thursday midnight August 9th 2007. The same earthquake causing even bigger panic in Pangandaran area, people were worrying the possibility of tsunami as it happened last year. A 5.4 RS earthquake in Halsel has injured a child an damaged 41 houses.

Tuesday (14/8) Soputan Mountain in Minahasa erupted and spread dust. Houses and farm were covered by dust up to 2 cm high. In North Sulawesi Utara, as the alert level has increased. More than eight hundred people were evacuated to a safer area. Alert level in Gamalama Mountain in Ternate was also increased to Alert II.

International news, a 6.4 RS earthquake shake Shakalin, Rusia. Two people were dead. In Sudan, a number of 365.000 people have been affected by the flood happened for a month. The situation is predicted to be worse in the future because there is no indication that rain will stop nowadays. A 5.7 RS earthquake shake Taiwan, Thursday (9/8), no casualties reported. A short storm and torrential rain in New York has flooded the area and paralyzing transportation system in the city. Another storm and torrential rain happened Thursday (9/8) in China and Philippine, killed one person and evacuating hundreds of thousand people. Tens people were reported to be dead or missing in India and Bangladesh due to a big flood. Wednesday (1/8). India and Bangladesh government giving their best effort to distribute food and medicine aid in order to minimize the number of victims. Also caused by flood, North Korea is reported to plead for international assistance. The flood has killed hundreds of people, damaging plenty of houses and buildings.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Satlinmas Penjaringan's Workshop

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

As a follow up of the Governor Decree of DKI Jakarta number 96 year 2002, Lurah Penjaringan has appointed people who are becoming the member of Community Protection Unit (Satlinmas). These people will become the front liner in disaster preparedness in Kelurahan Penjaringan. In term of institutional strengthening of Satlinmas, ACF sees the importance to gather Satlinmas members in a workshop named Satlinmas Workshop of Penjaringan. Through the workshop, they are expected to increase the level of understanding and therefore be able to develop a fixed procedure (Protap) for disaster management in Kelurahan Penjaringan.

The workshop took place in Rudian Hotel, West Java, on July 20th – 22nd 2007.

The objectives of the workshop are to give more understanding on the legal base of disaster management activity, to introduce disaster and vulnerability concept in Penjariangan area, to give wider perspective on how disaster management in kelurahan level works, and to develop a fixed procedure for disaster management in Penjaringan.Fourty participants, coming from various organization (kelurahan staff, Satpol PP, Linmas, Kelruahan Board, Karang Taruna, PKK, and RT RW representative) join the workshop.

The agenda were:

  • Participant’s deliverance in Kelurahan office
  • Opening
  • Introduction to disaster
  • Legal base on the establishment of Satlinmas
  • Discussion on Satlinmas’ issue
  • The structure of Satlinmas
  • Development of disaster management fixed procedure
  • Follow up plan

Finishing all the agenda, participants proposed several actions as follow up:
  • Continuation training for each division
  • Replenishment of Satlinmas’ equipment
  • Establishing regular meetings

Writer: Arde Wisben
Editor : Erma Maghfiroh
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh

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Monday, August 6, 2007

Press Review for July 2007

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

News about flood gains a lot of attention. Happened on the last week of June, the intensity on number of victims has made mass media reported widely. On July 25th 2007, Kompas reported torrential rain in some parts of Kalimantan, Sumatera, and Sulawesi has caused flood and landslide Flood in Bungku Utara sub distict, Morowali, Central Sulawesi has collapsed 2 bridges, isolating 4 villages and forced thousand of people flee from their houses.The number of victims keeps increasing. The Jakarta Post July 24th 2007 reported 32 death and 5000 people displaced on this particular flood. Bakornas PB have sent aid consist od 4 units of rubber boat, 6 units of satellite phone, and 4 units of command tent. Social Department have sent 3000 sarong to disaster area. Difficult location has lead to a lack of medical officials in Flood Post. Aid distribution was also facing difficulties. The number of death toll has reached 70 people as July 26th 2007. Not only in Morowali, had flood also happened in Tapanuli Selatan sub district, killed 3 people. Flood in Agam and Pasaman Barat, West Sumatera has caused 150 people flee from their houses. Another floods happened in Poso – Central Sulawesi, Jorong sub district – South Kalimantan, City of Tolitoli - Central Sulawesi. Meanwhile, 1000 flood victims on Aceh tamiang sub district, NAD on late 2006, were still living in evacuation tent.

Increased activity of Gamhonara Mountain was seen. As of Tuesday (10/7) 15 low explosions recorded. Up to 844 people from 8 villages in mountain hill has been evacuated. Up to Saturday (14/7) all evacuee remained in the evacuation zone even though the mountain activity has seen to be decrease mean while, 5.8 RS earthquake shakes Aceh Singkil Tuesday (24/7) night. Frightened people run out of their houses. Earthquake was also happened in Ternate Sea, on 6.6 RS.

Avian Influenza appears again. AZ, six year old boy from Cilegon, died infected by AI. Other disease, Chikunguya, attack Cilegon. Twenty Eight 28 citizen of Sumampir Timur village, Purwakarta affected. Five families in Ceger Kaum village, Cikarang Timur, were also affected by Chikunguya. In Jambi, 24 citizens on Mendalolaut village were positively infected by Chikunguya. Mean while, people in West Java are asked to be alert of TBC, because in 2005 this disease has hilled 429 orang, with 44.000 new patients every year. Muntaber attacked Tangerang regency, Banten, on northern side. Up to Friday (13/7), three victims have died before they even arrived in the Tangerang hospital. From Central Sulawesi, 16 out of 60 diarrhea patients died within the last month.

Water deficit is still an issue in the capital. Report shows that water supply deficit in the capital has reach 36 million meter cubic per year from total number of water demand of 400 million meter cubic Still in Java island, 13 sub districts in Magelang regency are in drought prone during the dry season. A total of 109 villages in 12 sub districts in Brebes regency were also in drought prone.

Mangrove forest in southern coast of Jakarta has decreased time after time. Whereas planting and rehabilitation mangrove are believed to be useful for saving coastal area from the effect of global warming.

International news, England was busy with the flood, which stated as the worst since last 60 years. In China, 69 mine worker in Henan Province trapped on flood, Sunday (29/7). More than 66,.3 million people in China has been affected by flood and landslide happened in the last 2 weeks. Hot wave in Hongaria has killed 500 people. One Indonesian was injured on big earthquake on Nigata, Japan. Two earthquakes were happened on Taiwan, Monday (23/7), each in 4.1 and 6 RS. Dengue has killed 35 people in Vietnam during the first semester of this year..

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Thursday, August 2, 2007

Cross Visit Youth Organization of Cipinang Besar Utara to Cijanti

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

Youth Organization of Cipinang Besar Utara feels the need of a trigger to move their organization spirit. Cross visit has come as a solution. A real and live role model was expected to be more effective instead of theoretical information. The activity was also hoped to be initiating a continuous networking between both parties.

Type rest of the post here
The objective of this activity is to increase the spirit of the organization member. Sharing session with Youth Organization of Cijanti village are expected to giver example on good practices of the organization which then can be applied on their organization.

The visit took time ob July 29th 2007. Fifteen members from Cipinang Besar Utara join the activity. In Cijanti village, they were having discussion with Youth Organization of Cijanti. They also visit the factory runs by Youth Organization of Cijant. Q&A session was alive with plenty of questions from Cipinang Besar Utara.

This visit has proven to raise the spirit of Cipinang’s. A joint business is one of the factors to bond the commitment of the members. Leader is also another important factor. The election of a good leader and setting up a joint business will be initiated in Cipinang Besar Utara right after the visit.

Writer : Martius Marzuki
Editor : Erma Maghfiroh
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh

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Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Movie Playing on 01 and 02 Elementary School of Kampung Melayu

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

Both 01 and 02 Elementary School use the same location. 01 uses the building in the morning while 02 use it on the afternoon. This activity was held on July 28th 2007. The movie playing was conducted twice on the same day, each for 01 and 02 elementary school. The library room was used as it has wide space which can provide comfort for the students.

The session was joined by 33 students from 01 elementary school and 29 students from 02 elementary school. The purpose of the activity was to give more understanding on what to prepare in case flood happened. Their school and houses were located in frequent-flood affected areas. Narration and picture used in the film were expected to be easier to understand by the students. Prior to the movie playing, facilitator explain the objective of this activity. After the movie, some questions were eagerly answered by the students. The students were then divided into 6 groups. Each group has different question to be discussed. In the end of the session, each group should present their answer to other. Students were also very enthusiast to share these information to their parents at home. They want their parents to know what to prepare in case flood happened.

Writer : Nurely Yudha
Editor : Erma Maghfiroh
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh

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Monday, July 23, 2007

School Road Show YPBK Elementary School, Cipinang Besar Utara

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia

Elementary School students, especially living in flood prone area, need to have more knowledge and understanding on how flood occurs and efforts can be done to prevent it happened. Students are also need to built awareness on the importance of keeping the river clean. Considering on the previous item mentioned, ACF decides to facilitate a visit to waterway, new transportation system developed by Jakarta Provincial Government. Through the visit, the level of knowledge and understanding among the students participated are expected to be increased. This activity was also intended to show the students what happened on the garbage thrown into the river.

nThe visit was held on Saturday, July 21st 2007. Twelve students from YPBK Elementary School, located in RW 02 Cipinang Besar Utara, headed to waterway location accompanied by 2 teacher, and 2 ACF personnel (Martius and volunteer from CBU). On the location, officers are ready. The group step into the speedboat and go along the waterway from Dukuh Atas to Karet back and forth. On the journey, students look excited. Finishing the visit, students were taken into National Monument (Monas) for a discussion and lunch.

From the discussion, students receive information about Flood Canal and its function to prevent flood. They started to understand that the garbage thrown into the river will pile up and obstruct the river flow as it seen along the waterway route. They now know that water transportation in the capital is now being developed.

Based on the information from waterway officer, the visit we conducted was the first visit with the students in uniform, they respond very nicely for that. Teachers were also responding very positively to the new learning method ACF used.

Writer : Martius Marzuki
Editor : Erma Maghfiroh
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Roadshow Nurul Islam Islamic High School

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

Disaster Education at School was held in SMPI Nurul Islam, Penjaringan on Tuesday, July 17th 2007 at 2pm. The event was participated by 55 students from 1st grade and 10 students from 2nd and 3rd grade. The school was on the phase of School Orientation Period (MOS-Masa Orientasi Sekolah) so the 1st grade students were wearing funny accessories (eg: colourful ribbon, hat, swimming glasses, candy and snack hanging on the neck, etc).

A game and movie playing was held. The event start at 2pm. Erma, Nana, and Wiein (youth from Penjaringan) acted as facilitators. After a brief introduction, a game was started. Students were asked to choose properties to be saved if they were a fire brigade. The properties were symbolized by the card hanging in the neck of some students. One representative from each group will then take the property based on the discussion among their group. The time is limited.

The session continued with movie playing. The movie is about flood preparedness taking place in Cambodia. It was explained during the movie, what to do before, during, and after flood coming. Question and Answer session was held right after the movie end. Some students successfully earned ACF sticker and PMI game board as the reward for their correct answer.

Writer : Erma Maghfiroh
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh

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Monday, July 16, 2007

Satlinmas Cipinang Besar Utara’s Workshop

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

Cipinang Besar Utara is one of the flood prone areas in Jakarta, therefore it needs to soon realizes the establishment of Satlinmas (Satuan Perlindungan Masyarakat - Community Protection Unit) as it stated on Governor Decree number 96 year 2002. a discussion forum is needed to clear up the structure and position of Satlinmas along with the work procedure.

ACF facilitates this workshop with following objectives:

  • Introducing geographical position of Indonesia which leads to a disaster prone area
  • Discussing the structure of Satlinmas and choosing the appropriate structure for CBU
  • Selecting people to fill positions in the structure of Satlinmas
  • Developing recommendation for Lurah to issued Lurah Decree on Satlinmas
The activity took place in Wisma Hijau, Mekarsari, Cimanggis Depok, on July 6th – 7th 2007. Forty three persons attend the workshop. They represent various group consist of: Kelurahan, community (Kelurahan Board, LPM, Kader Inti Kebersihan, RT, RW, and PKK), Babinsa Kelurahan, and youth organization (Pemuda Pancasila and FKPPI). This activity was started with opening from Head of Subsie Trantib, Hendryanto in the capacity of Lurah Cipinang Besar Utara. Informations delivered during the workshop are:
  • Introduction of Disaster in Indonesia
  • Legal base of Disaster Management
  • The structure of Satlinmas
During the session on the structure of Satlinmas, participants were agreed to simplify the structure into 5 divisions, which are: mapping and information, evacuation, First aid, logistic, and public kitchen. The follow up plan resulted from this workshop are:
  • Regular meeting will be conducted to strengthen the capacity of Satlinmas member
  • Proposing Lurah Decree on Satlinmas and handed to Lurah CBU
  • Planning for further training

Writer : Arde Wisben
Editor : Erma Maghfiroh
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh

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Monday, July 9, 2007

GIS-based Participatory Mapping Training in Kelurahan Penjaringan

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia

A comprehensive planning is needed not only in the provincial level; comprehensive knowledge and understanding are needed in the lowest administrative level. The term “planning” being used is focusing in the capacity of Kelurahan’s official, Satlinmas, and community member to know their area, to draw, and to manage properly.

The objective of this training is to train officials and persons to have knowledge and skill in developing and updating map of their area (Kelurahan level) to better support the planning process mainly in disaster management issue.

Finishing the training, participants are expected to:
1. Be better identifying their area and describe all the potency available, whether it is positive (resource) or negative (disaster) potencies.
2. Be able to make specific map of their area digitally.
3. Be able to manage a map including special data and secondary data, and to maintain it to be used for planning process mainly on disaster management issue.

The training contents are:
1. Introduction and basic knowledge of GIS
2. Spatial data management
3. Introduction of mapping software and GIS
4. Developing a simple map
5. Creating layout for simple map
6. Data attribute and map statistic
7. Geo referencing
8. Map digitations
9. Developing layout for a specific map (eg:disaster)
10. Introduction and Knowledge about GPS
11. Field data collecting using GPS and downloading GPS data

The training take place in Kelurahan Penjaringan office on July 4th-7th 2007. Action contre la Faim collaborates with Kelurahan Penjaringan.The session was held in Bahasa. Eleven participants were coming from Kelurahan’s official, Satlinmas member, Youth Organization member, community representative, representative from MercyCorps, and CBDRM NU. Eka Rianta (Database and Mapping Officer, Action Contre la Faim) acted as the instructor. The training used presentation, question and answer, computer practice, and field survey method.

GIS is a system used to manage, to storage, to manipulate, to analyze and to emerge data. These data are spatially related to earth surface. GIS always in computer based. There are 5 elements composing GIS, they are: Hardware, Software, Data, Analysis, and Human. GIS is supported by Remote Sensing and GPS technology. The software being used is ArcView version 3.3.

In general, participants can understand and doing operation satisfactory. In the first practice; making a simple map, all participants can implement the steps given earlier by the instructor. Participants were also having full opportunity to actively tries the menu available on the software.

Exercises were given to trigger creation and thinking skill of the participants. The exercise was focused on thematic map (disaster mapping and land use mapping).

Field activity is needed. One of the field activities conducted in this training as direct data entry using GPS (Global Positioning System). The type GPS used is navigation system as this system is using handheld device which can be moved easily.

It can be concluded that this training transferred so much benefit to participants. Community representative are now in better knowledge and understanding of their area; capable to identify certain risk and hazard apply in their area. As follow up plan, participants are planned to implement their new knowledge and skill to their area.

Writer: Eka Rianta
Editor: Erma Maghfiroh
Translator: Erma Maghfiroh

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Friday, July 6, 2007

Press Review for June 2007

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

This edition will be opened by positive news. State Minister of Research and Technology have prepared technical reference for earthquake and tsunami prone cities. The reference is expected to be used by provincial government in their city planning to minimize the damage and injured people in case disaster occurs. On June 30th until July 3rd 2007 Wahana Lingkungan Hidup (Walhi) are conducting Konferensi Rakyat attended by 1.600 participants all over Indonesia. Meanwhile, tectonic earthquake sensor able to detect tsunami wave are now installed in 4 points in East Nusa Tenggara. The effort to compile tsunami sensor should also be accompanied by sufficient information for community. Panic attack on people when tsunami siren rings in Aceh and tsunami issue spread in East Nusa Tenggara should have been used as warning. Government should also not satisfied easily even though Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Board (BRR) was receiving compliment from various country in their reconstruction work in several disaster-affected areas.

Not only in Indonesia, has disaster also happen all over the world. Massive flood hits Kuala Lumpur up to 1 meter high. The flood is predicted to be the worst since 2003. Nine people died and the other 75.000 lives with no electricity caused by storm in Australia. Hot waves hit north and central side of India killed at least 74 people, in south area of Bangladesh landslide, flood, and thunder strike have killed 101 people. From China, victims of flash flood has reached 71 people with more than 640.000 people flee from their home.

In Indonesia, flood happened in several areas. Number of villages in Dayeuhluhur District, Cilacap Regency, was hit by flood since Friday (8/6) night to Saturday. Torrential rain has also causing flood in Bone, Wajo, and Luwu Utara. The same thing happened in East Kalimanatan Timur, torrential rain since Sunday (17/6) has flooded the area up to 50cm high. Flood victims in Luwu Utara starts to suffer from various diseases such as diarrhea, skin disease, and acute respiratory infection (see page 16).KapuasRiver overflow has also caused flood in some areas in Putussibau, West Kalimantan Barat. From Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan Selatan flood inundated Sebambam Baru and Sebambam LamaVillage up to 2 meter high. At least 76 houses were inundated. Not only flood, landslide also happened in some areas of East Nusa Tenggara. Recent flood in Tangerang have rise trauma for Februaty flood victims. East path Sulawesi in Poso Regency, South Sulawesi is blocked with landslide in 12 points. Landslide also happened in Boyolali, Central Java.

Although it has already decreased, earthquake still occur.A 6.3 RS earthquake happened in southwest of Sitoli Mountain in North Sumatera Utara. BMG has also recorded 4.5 RS earthquake in northeast North Sulawesi, a 5.0 RS earthquake in southeast Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, a 4.6 RS earthquake in northwest Sabang, NAD, and a 4.8 RS earthquake in northeast Dili. Meanwhile, geo technology expert from LIPI warns that the of Jakarta can be fallen off if a 5 Mw earthquake happen. A 6.1 RS earthquake also hit North Maluku Utara, no causalities reported.

Typhoon hit Banjarmasin and Banjarbarum South Kalimantan in one time, Tuesday (5/6) afternoon. Forty houses and offices were damage. In Jambi, typhoon hit GunungLabu, Kerinci Regency. Thirty houses were damaged, 105 people flee from their houses. BMG wars for the potency of repeated typhoon in South Kalimantan. From North Sumatera, at least 20 houses in 8 Kelurahan in Binjai City were damaged, hit by typhoon. Estimated loss reaches 418 million IDR.

News from South Sumatera, 2.061 child-under-five are recorded as marasmus kwasiorkhor children and the other 20.278 child under five as malnourished children, from the total number of 193.782 child-under-five. The number are predicted to continuously increase as malnourished handling are not optimal yet. In West Java, the death toll for children under five remains high. At 2005, 2.000 child-under-five are died. WHO placed diarrhea as the main cause.

As June 3rd 2007, the number of AI affected patients has reached 99 people. Seventy Nine of them died. AI virus has spread in 38 regencies/cities in provinces as follow: West Java Barat, DKI Jakarta, Banten, North Sumatera, Central Java, East Java, Lampung, South Sulawesi, West Sumatera, South Sumatera, and Riau. Twelve chicken died in the same time in Kelurahan Gunung Bahagia, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, has confirmed to be affected by AI, based on rapid test result. As June 24th 2007, the number of positively infected has increase to 101 people. West Java becomes the highest contributor with 29 people affected.

The thread of dengue in Jambi during the transition period remains high although the number of patients has decreased. Transition period with high intensity rain can increase water pool which then might transform into Aedes Aegety mosquito habitat. Demak Regency is predicted as the highest leptospirosis prone area. From Papua, the number of HIV/AIDS case in Biak Numfor Regency, add 13 more cases up to May 31st 2007, which then gives total number 301 cases for HIV/AIDS. Head of Health Unit of North Sumatera Utara, Hj. Fatni Sulani informed HIV/AIDS has spread in 18 regency/city. In South Sumatera, the number of HIV/AIDS case in the last 6 months has increase 200 people equal to 1 additional person per day.

Writer : Erma Maghfiroh
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

3rd National Symposium on CBDRM

(Baca versi Bahasa Indonesia)

National Symposium on CBDRM "Framework Building and Positioning CBDRM as a Key Strategy of DRR in Indonesia: Network between Stakeholders" was held in Jakarta on June 12th - 13th 2007. The main sponsores of of this event are:

The objective of symposium is to share practices, launch a guide book on CBDRM, the Compendium project and Best Concept/Acknowledgement support for CBDRM activities.

Assistant DRR and Community Organizer – Penjaringan attend the symposium. One of the activity conducted are focus group discussion on 5 main topic of CBDRM:
2. Vision and Mission
3. Knowledge
4. Approach
5. Techniques and Methods

The results are the main sources to be develop in to a living guide book of CBDRM. The development process will be done by formulation team. Several names and institutions have voluntarily proposed as the member of the team.
On the event, MBPI as one of the sponsor offers an affiliation. This affiliation will enable various organization cooperates with MPBI in terms of technical expertise support or joint activity. More information about the affiliation can be found on MPBI website.

Writer : Erma Maghfiroh
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh

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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Appreciation Night in Kampung Melayu

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

Community of Kampung Melayu, together with ACF held a appreciation night to the organizations/institutions giving their aid and support to Kampung Melayu during February 2007 flood. The event was also meant to expand networks between each organization and to further tighten the relationship with the community of Kampung Melayu. The event took place on Kampung Pulo, Saturday June 2nd 2007.

Head of event organizer, Mr. Yayang opened the event. Welcome greeting was also presented by Head of RW 02 which states his compliment for the organizer for having this show. Another greeting was presented by Head of RW 03, and ACF, represented by (Community Organizer Team Leader).

The climax of the event was the reward given to 10 organizations actively involved in flood response 2007. The 10 organizations are:
1. Wahana Visi Indonesia
2. Oxfam
3. Hipperpala
4. Sanggar Ciliwung
5. Santa Maria Church
6. Kelurahan Kampung Melayu
7. Head of RW 02
8. Ex Head of RW 03
9. Puskesmas Kelurahan Kampung Melayu
10.At Tawabin Mosque

The next session is discussion concerning problems related to the flood issue. One main idea arise from the community is the need of disaster management organization in Kampung Melayu, mainly in Kampung Pulo. The discussion session was also resulted to an agreement to have composting activity for garbage management. Santa Maria Church will facilitate the activity. For the disaster management organization, Mr. Yayang was given the trust to follow up the idea. Joint praying was conducted as a closure.
Writer : Nurely Yudha
Editor : Erma Maghfiroh
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh

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Monday, June 4, 2007

Press Review for May 2007

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

Shocking news arises about malaria this month. In South Kalimantan, within the last four months 17 people have died on malaria. The number surprises authority as the data from 2006 shows 8.800 people affected, 10 of them died. Two villages in Timor Tengah Selatan on May 16th 2007 have been declared as in the extraordinary status of Malaria. For people have died and 365 in treatment in Menoak village, Numkolo district, and Nifukia village, Amanuban Timur district. In North Molucas, malaria has killed 63 people and affected 6.663 other citizen in Halmahera Selatan (Halsel) regency for the past 5 month. Regency government of Halsel has allocated 1.6 billion IDR to tackle malaria in the area. Malaria has also become one of 10 most deadly disease in North Sumatera North Sumatera. Central Government has also prepared additional fund for 40 billion to cover up the lack of fund on AIDS, Tuberculosis (TB), and malaria handling.

Following another death of AI virus found in Medan, North Sumatera, the national death toll has now reached 76. AI has also confirmed to have spread in Molucas province after the sample gives positive in result. Dengue still spread in Bali and Nusa Tenggara Timur. On Medan, North Sumatera, the number of diarrhea patients stays high. As data on Tuesday May 22nd 2007, 5 patients have died for the last 4 days The total number of died patients on January till May are 20 people. The increase of death patients has made the family member of the remaining patients worry. Chikunguya attacks Tanjung Priok district, North Jakarta, Tegal regency, and Bandarlampung. This disease was spread by Aedes aegypti mosquito, the same with the one spreading dengue disease.

Torrential rain for 2 days (5-6/5) in Palu, Central Sulawesi caused 10 kelurahans flooded. At least 1.000 houses were flooded and 5.000 people flee from home. Two people were died, and 4 were missing due to the flood. Meanwhile, flood in Luwu Utara, South Sulawesi has decreased rice stock. Lack of food and medicine were faced. In Kalimantan as general, flood has starts to decrease even though inundation still seen in some areas. Flood in Balangan, South Kalimantan inundated seven villages, 1.077 lives or 371 houses.

On malnourished issue, data from Mataram hospitals recorded 18 babies has been in treatment on 2007 caused by malnourished, 7 of them died. In Makassar, on period 2004/2005, there are 1.434 under five child have experienced malnourished . From Jakarta, child-under five in Kelurahan Jatibaru Cilincing, North were sick on malnourished. In Malang, at least 29 under five children are in critical state of malnourished followed by other illness such as bronchitis, pneumonia, lung TB, respiratory problem, and mental and heart retarded.

Landslide still occurs in several area of Indonesia. Landslide in 3 districts of Tanah Datar regency, West Sumatera killed 1 people and isolated hundreds as the main road were blocked. In Dieng, 12 new landslide spots are occurring. Landslide in Lempongsari killed 1 people. While 3 people died and 1 person were severely injured buried by landslide happen during the rock mining they done in Sendangboto village, Sragen, Central Java. Landslide in the main Sumatera road line closed the access. This location has experienced many landslide mostly happened after rain.

High tide varies on 2 meter to 6 meter high, hits 11 provinces (18/5), NAD, North Sumatera, West Sumatera, Bengkulu, Lampung, Banten, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, and Bali. At least 300 houses, 80 restaurants, and 400 boats were damaged. Tens thousand of citizens flee to a safer place from tide. By Saturday May 19th, high tide also hit Lombok Island (NTT) and Flores Island (NTB).

Republika online, May 11th May 2007 reported earthquake shake Molucas third time with the highest intensity 5.0 RS, no damaged reported. By May 14th 2007 at 4.31 pm 5.3 RS earthquake shake Nias, North Sumatera. No fatalities reported. LIPI states, people living in the “edge” of tectonic plate impact should be alert to big earthquake. In Indonesia, earthquake prone area lies in NAD, going through west coast of Sumatera to south side Java, then goes to east side to Molucas and Papua. “Molucaas area are the most extreme area as it is the meeting point of the 3 plates, Eurasia, Indo-Australia, and Pacific plate”

Several additional news are storm in Majene, fall prone land widen as the effect of mud flood (see page 53), massive fires in Tambora, West Jakarta, and compliment from UN for Bogor city for their continuous effort to reduce global warming.

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Monday, May 21, 2007

Dengue Risk Area

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

One of the endemic diseases, dengur has caused another disaster among other disaster strike Indonesia. Several days ago, Jakarta province has once again declares its Extraordinary State (Kejadian Luar Biasa – KLB) in dengue. Several other areas in Indonesia also face the same threat. KLB was indicated by a significant increase in the number of dengue case in an area, reaching twice or more compared to the same time frame on the previous year. A lot of factors can influence the case, but they can be divided into 2 major group: human factor and environment factor. Using these 2 factors, dengue risk area identification can be conducted. Identifying the areas is expected to optimize the coping mechanism on this particular disease.

Dengue Risk Map Availability
With all the well-planed monitoring activity conducted by related institutions, writer thinks that one of the main objectives of the activity has yet to be achieved. It is deciding dengue prone area. On determining these areas, there will be several classes adopted

  • Rawan I (endemic): Village/Kelurahan annually affected in the last 3 years.
  • Rawan II (sporadic): affected although not annually within the last 3 years.
  • Rawan III (potential): unaffected within the last 3 years, but having dense population and transportation access with other areas,
  • Free Zone: unaffected and more than 1000m height from sea surface.
(Source: Ditjen P2M dan PLP, Depkes RI, 1992b).

A risk map with 3 years historical data can be used for long term on developing planning for anticipation. In the other hand, if it was based on daily or weekly data, it will tend to be a monitoring tool which then can be used to predict.

Dengue Risk Map
Dengue risk map is predicted to be more useful than dengue prone map. Dengue risk map will include vulnerability factor extracted from environment condition. There are many factors in environment subject, but we can use the most influential factor which is settlement quality. Settlement quality can reflect socio economic factor whereas lower economic level leads to less capacity to fight dengue. Settlement quality also reflects the quality of the surround environment which is very influential in dengue spread.

Case Study
Multi hazard mapping (flood, fire, and dengue) has been conducted in 3 kelurahan: Kampung Melayu, Cipinang Besar Utara – East Jakarta and Kelurahan Penjaringan – North Jakarta together with local communities and volunteer. The activity was funded by ECHO (European Commission Humanitarian Aid) and Action Contre la Faim, an international NGO based in Paris. The activity was conducted on July 2006 – March Maret 2007. The result has been presented in Jakarta Planning Board and Public Health Office of East Jakarta.

The mapping uses 2 parameters: number of dengue case and settlement quality. Using GIS and satellite imaging for modelling and analysis and scoring for data analysis, the process resulted in 3 different map for each kelurahan.

The study resulted that in all 3 kelurahan, the percentage of dengue risk areas are in mid class *(58 – 68%). In Kampung Melayu, 6.611 people (29% population) live in dengue risk area, while in Cipinang Besar Utara the number are 13.883 people (35%), and last in Penjaringan, 33.604 people (60%).

By identifying which RT/RW in risk area, related institutions or community can are expected to act some prevention activity, such as: fogging, clean community activity, and counselling.

Writer : Eka Rianta
Editor : Erma Maghfiroh
Transalator : Erma Maghfiroh

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Monday, May 14, 2007

Roadshow Nurul Yaqin Islamic Elementary School

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

Children need to get more attention and protection on disaster. For the youngster, awareness and understanding raising would be much easier to be done through game or other non formal approaches. RW 04, Cipinang Besar Utara is flood prone area. SDI Nurul Yaqin is located in this area. On February 2007 flood this school should postpone their activity for about 3 weeks due to the flood inundated their area up to 180cm high. The physical condition of the school was very modest. It only has 3 classrooms and one office located next to the classroom. This school receives students from low income family as well as orphan transferred from other areas.

Through this activity, it is expected to increase the understanding on teacher as well as students on flood preparedness, and to be able to disseminate flood preparedness message to the community. Approximate 100 students were participated. They come from 1st grade to 6th grade.

The event took place at SDI Nurul Yaqin, on May 10th 2007, 9am to 11am. A movie was played. Students were gathered in one big room. Opening session was filled with introduction and opening question related to flood. It is after that the movie was played. Children pay full attention on the movie. After the movie ended, facilitator raises question related to the content of the movie. Most student answer these questions were from 4th – 6th grade. Lower class seems to find it difficult to understand the content of the movie.

In the future, the facilitators are expected to increase their knowledge and skill to be able to give many kinds of method that fits best on targeted audience.

Writer : Martius Marzuki
Editor : Erma Maghfiroh
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh

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Monday, May 7, 2007

Press Review for April 2007

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

April was begun with widely spread of Dengue epidemic in Jakarta province. As data on April 4th 2007, the number of dengue patients in Tarakan Hospital reached 100 patients /day. In Pasar Rebo Hospital the number of patient has reached 87, way over hospitals capacity limit therefore some of them must used plastic bed. In Fatmawati Hospital, 152 dengue patients recorded. To simplify treatment process, Fatmawati Hospital used colour ID system, red code means the patient require special treatment, yellow code means regular treatment, and green code means the patient is almost recovered and ready to sent back home. On Monday (9/4) the Governor of Jakarta Province, Sutiyoso declared extraordinary occurrence of dengue in Jakarta. Based on data on late March 2007, the number of dengue patient in Jakarta province has reached 4.408 patients, way over the limit of extraordinary occurrence which is 3.107 patients. As tackling efforts, focused fogging will be conducted on 258 kelurahans covering 13.164 hectares. Still on dengue, in Brebes, for the forst 16 weeks of 2007, 198 dengue cases have been found, 15 of them died. In Sukabumi City the number of patient has reached 343 patients. While from Bandung City, since the beginning of the year until April 27th 2007, 2.879 persons have been infected by dengue. In Bekasi, for the last 4 month, 11 dengue patients have died.

For Avian Influenza or also known by bird flu, according to data on Public Communication Centre of Health Department, up to date the number of infected patients in Indonesia has reached 92 persons, 72 of them died. In Central Java, a patient, S (29) died on Thursday (5/4) were confirmed to be infected by AI virus. One thousand and four hundred ducks were culled in Gilimanuk, Bali. These ducks and fowls were sent illegally. In Bandung, one AI suspect patient died (16/4). A one year old baby on high fever after having numbers of chicken died instantly in his environment, have been brought to Sulianti Saroso Hospital.

Other disease threaten Indonesia on April are Leukaemia which still become a major threat for children, anthrax killed 8 people in East Nusa Tenggara, extraordinary occurrence of Chikunguya in Ponorogo following high increase in number victim to reach 293 in 2007 only, malaise killed 4 person on West Nusa Tenggara with 49.6% of total population in Indonesia are in risk as they are living in risk area, tuberculosis frighten pregnant woman while government finds it difficult to fund the activity to control the spread of tuberculosis since Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaise has stopped since last March.

In Serang, for the first 4 months of the year, at least 8 children have died due to malnourished. Still on malnutrition issue, an international organization, Oxfam GB collaborates with local NGO and community has pioneered Farm and Integrated Nutrition Field School in Belu Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. The objective is to reduce the number of malnutrition on child under five which now has reached 32 – 50% in East Nusa Tenggara. Poverty has also haunt East Nusa Tenggara, causing thousands of school-age children were forced to drop out. Drought on East Nusa Tenggara caused 37.235 people in 5 sub districts now in food crisis level. Food crisis also happened in 4 regencies in South Sulawesi.

Disaster still occurs. Flood in Arso, Papua inundated hundreds of houses. In Belu, East Nusa Tenggara flood is still in 1 meter height by Tuesday (3/4). Dayeuhkolot - Baleendah Bandung were also flooded which suspected to be flash flood. Flash flood in Grobogan has carried away 4 houses, destroyed 7 houses, and damaged 78 houses. The biggest river in Indonesia, Bengawan Solo, was overflowed, flooding thousands of houses surrounding, 49 villages in 19 sub district in Bojonegoro were flooded.

Storm hits Yogyakarta and hits tens of houses of earthquake victims Saturday afternoon (7/4). Storm also hits Bogor and Panimbang Sub district, Pandeglang Regency. Tens of houses were severely damaged and 1 person was badly injured as the roof has crashed him. Still in Pandeglang, thunder hits on Tuesday (10/4) afternoon and killed 3 person instantly, injured 4 other person, and shocked 2 other. In Deli Serdang, 86 houses, 2 religious centres, and 1 tower of PT Telkom were damaged, hit by storm.

Landslide on 3 villages in Cibinong Sub district and 2 villages in Cikadu Sub district has forced 2.200 families displaced. In Tarbateng Village, Boyolali, Central Java, torrential rain and landslide has killed one person. Other 50 families in East Java were isolated because the only road access was buried by landslide. The disconnection also happened in Flores path, connecting Ende and Maumere City.

Positive news heard as the new tsunami detector equipment made by Technology Application Body are being installed in Hindia Ocean, 160 mile from Merak Port on Wednesday (11/4). Meteorology and Geophysics Board will take role as the integrator on detected data analysis. Meanwhile, Vice President assigns Coordination Minister of Social Welfare, Aburizal Bakrie to prepare the establishment of National Board of Disaster Management as mentioned on Disaster Management Bill (9/4).

In North Jakarta, land and vegetation corrosion on coastal areas has become worse. Mangrove forests are decreasing. Organic and heavy metal waste on Bangka Belitung islands has caused 15 rivers no longer save to consume. Fire happened on high density area on Kelurahan Penjaringan. No casualties reported, although several people were injured.

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