Monday, February 19, 2007

Capacity Assesment of Satlinmas Penjaringan

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

In attempt to have a better disaster management system, National Government of Republic Indonesia, through Presidential Decree number 3 year 2001 has established National Coordination Board for Disaster and Refugee Handling (BAKORNAS PB). This presidential decree was then completed with Presidential Decree number 111 Year 2001 and Presidential Regulation number 83 year 2005. in provincial level, Jakarta Provincial Government through Governor Decree number 96 year 2002, has established Satkorlak PB (provincial level), Satlak PB (municipal level), Operational Unit PBP (district level), and Satlinmas PBP (kelurahan level). The governor decree was then followed up by Governor Decree number 1230 year 2002 on Fixed Procedure on Disaster and Refugee Handling.

With the Governor Decree, valid up to 5 year, ACF sees the importance to conduct an assessment to know how far this decree has been implemented. This assessment was expected to finds new facts as input for ACF’s programme. The assessment was conducted on August-December 2006, taking place in Penjaringan, Kampung Melayu, and Cipinang Besar Utara. Focus will be placed on organizational aspect of Satlinmas PBP. The assessment used focus group discussion, in-depth interview, and literature study.

The assessment resulted in several findings as follow:
1. Substantially, Governor Decree Number 96 Year 2002 and Governor Decree Number 1230 Year 2002 are focusing on “emergency response”, with less focus on the need of prevention, preparedness, and rehabilitation.
2. Kelurahan officials do not know and understand the existence of the Governor decree due to limited socialization. Due to this fact, Kelurahan is nor able to establish Satlinmas PBP as it is mandated on Governor Decree.
3. Incomprehensive and response oriented capacity building for Satlinmas and lack of organizational management capacity building. These conditions lead to non solid disaster management organizations in 3 kelurahan.
4. Available structure has potency to reach integrated disaster management. But there are no clear job description and incident command system for each level.
5. Extra big structures and wide spend of control can create difficulties in the organization process.
6. Weak organizational aspect indicated by un clear organizational structures, task sharing, membership activity, and human resources development.
7. Administration; incidental system leads to un-organized documentation.
8. Funding and Equipment; main source of funding comes from Kelurahan’s budget and third party donation during disaster. But the third party source has yet been used for organizational development. Budget allocation still not considering the real need and programme in the field.
9. Work Programme; in general, Satlinmas in 3 Kelurahan work actively during disaster but annual programme has not yet been developed and implemented.
10. Sustainability aspect; networks have not fully expanded. Networks were usually built during emergency response. Systematic approach and efforts to maintain the existing networks are needed.

Recommendations related to the findings are:
1. Capacity Building Action Plan for Satlinmas is needed. Comprehensive need assessment need to be developed. The action plan will consist of individual and organizational action plan in all level.
2. Partnership for managerial aspect is needed. Capacity building for managerial aspect can be done through workshop, meeting, developing fixe procedure, monitoring and evaluation.
3. Community participation is needed. Satlinmas can act as the organizer during the preparation, implementation, and evaluation.
4. Governor Decree number 56 Year 2002 need to be revised as several legal bases on the decree has been revised. For example, Law number 22 Year 1999 has been substituted by Law Number 32 Year 2004 and Law Number 25 Year 1999 has been substituted by Law Number 33 Year 2004. Some substances are needed to be revised as well.
5. Fixed procedure in disaster management is needed. It can be used as guideline and technical direction in operational level.

Contact ACF for the whole report (available in Bahasa only).

Writer: Edy M, Martius M, Yuniarti W
Editor : Erma Maghfiroh
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Confused Old Man

(Baca versi Bahasa Indonesia)

”It is for my daughter”, said the old man while showing his search-and-grab result. Indeed, the old man and tens of displaced people have just finishing their struggle to grab pieces of cloth donated by a contributor on an evacuation area in Kampung Melayu, Sunday afternoon February 4th 2007

There is no complete information how this scene started. A volunteer in that area only says that he got that bag from someone who wants to give a little help to the displaced people. This contributor apparently sympathizing when he finds out that much of the displaced people have not changed their clothes for days. All their clothes have been drowned by flood. This good will was stunted by lack of information of where to send their donation. As result, this old man now gets a bit confused how to use the cloth he grab. There is a bit of averse feeling to give to other displaced people. While the daughter he mentioned earlier, we do not even sure she is exist.

”I saw people running, I joined them but this is all I got” he blushed. If only we had proper aid distribution management, this old man would not be confused.

Writer : Arde Wisben
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh

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Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Emergency Response on Jakarta Flood 2007 (part 1)

(Baca versi Bahasa Indonesia)

Following flood event in DKI Jakarta, since February 3rd 2007 ACF Indonesia has distribute emergency response to 1.791 households (931 households in Kampung Melayu and 860 households in Cipinang Besar Utara) which have been ACF’s pilot area for Disaster Preparedness Program and considered as most severe-affected areas. Aids have been distributed gradually, consist of:

  1. Five big tents and 6 water and sanitation centre for 6.000 people (4-5 water tanks in each centre, 1500-2000 litre/tank, refilled twice a day).
  2. Aid package: 3.632 Hygiene pack, 2 bath soaps per pack; and 1.820 Shelter pack, 2 blankets and 1 plastic mat per pack.
Future Plan
Collaborating with donors, ACF now in process to propose continuation aid for total of 12.000 people in the area mentioned above. Beside additional pack for hygiene pack (adding washing soap, disinfectant, and sheat), ACF also planned to build wider water and sanitation aid consist of:
  1. Twenty four drinking water distribution point supplied by water truck (60m3/d);
  2. Emergency latrines (depend on availability);
  3. Fourteen Public kitchens;
  4. Waste management by providing trash can and trash transposal for approximate 14.000 people.
ACF’s team has also building coordination in RT and RW level. Aids distributed were taken from ACF’s stock or bought from local market.

Writer : Rayendra Thayeb (HoM Assistant)
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh

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