Thursday, June 14, 2007

3rd National Symposium on CBDRM

(Baca versi Bahasa Indonesia)

National Symposium on CBDRM "Framework Building and Positioning CBDRM as a Key Strategy of DRR in Indonesia: Network between Stakeholders" was held in Jakarta on June 12th - 13th 2007. The main sponsores of of this event are:

The objective of symposium is to share practices, launch a guide book on CBDRM, the Compendium project and Best Concept/Acknowledgement support for CBDRM activities.

Assistant DRR and Community Organizer – Penjaringan attend the symposium. One of the activity conducted are focus group discussion on 5 main topic of CBDRM:
2. Vision and Mission
3. Knowledge
4. Approach
5. Techniques and Methods

The results are the main sources to be develop in to a living guide book of CBDRM. The development process will be done by formulation team. Several names and institutions have voluntarily proposed as the member of the team.
On the event, MBPI as one of the sponsor offers an affiliation. This affiliation will enable various organization cooperates with MPBI in terms of technical expertise support or joint activity. More information about the affiliation can be found on MPBI website.

Writer : Erma Maghfiroh
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh

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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Appreciation Night in Kampung Melayu

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

Community of Kampung Melayu, together with ACF held a appreciation night to the organizations/institutions giving their aid and support to Kampung Melayu during February 2007 flood. The event was also meant to expand networks between each organization and to further tighten the relationship with the community of Kampung Melayu. The event took place on Kampung Pulo, Saturday June 2nd 2007.

Head of event organizer, Mr. Yayang opened the event. Welcome greeting was also presented by Head of RW 02 which states his compliment for the organizer for having this show. Another greeting was presented by Head of RW 03, and ACF, represented by (Community Organizer Team Leader).

The climax of the event was the reward given to 10 organizations actively involved in flood response 2007. The 10 organizations are:
1. Wahana Visi Indonesia
2. Oxfam
3. Hipperpala
4. Sanggar Ciliwung
5. Santa Maria Church
6. Kelurahan Kampung Melayu
7. Head of RW 02
8. Ex Head of RW 03
9. Puskesmas Kelurahan Kampung Melayu
10.At Tawabin Mosque

The next session is discussion concerning problems related to the flood issue. One main idea arise from the community is the need of disaster management organization in Kampung Melayu, mainly in Kampung Pulo. The discussion session was also resulted to an agreement to have composting activity for garbage management. Santa Maria Church will facilitate the activity. For the disaster management organization, Mr. Yayang was given the trust to follow up the idea. Joint praying was conducted as a closure.
Writer : Nurely Yudha
Editor : Erma Maghfiroh
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh

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Monday, June 4, 2007

Press Review for May 2007

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

Shocking news arises about malaria this month. In South Kalimantan, within the last four months 17 people have died on malaria. The number surprises authority as the data from 2006 shows 8.800 people affected, 10 of them died. Two villages in Timor Tengah Selatan on May 16th 2007 have been declared as in the extraordinary status of Malaria. For people have died and 365 in treatment in Menoak village, Numkolo district, and Nifukia village, Amanuban Timur district. In North Molucas, malaria has killed 63 people and affected 6.663 other citizen in Halmahera Selatan (Halsel) regency for the past 5 month. Regency government of Halsel has allocated 1.6 billion IDR to tackle malaria in the area. Malaria has also become one of 10 most deadly disease in North Sumatera North Sumatera. Central Government has also prepared additional fund for 40 billion to cover up the lack of fund on AIDS, Tuberculosis (TB), and malaria handling.

Following another death of AI virus found in Medan, North Sumatera, the national death toll has now reached 76. AI has also confirmed to have spread in Molucas province after the sample gives positive in result. Dengue still spread in Bali and Nusa Tenggara Timur. On Medan, North Sumatera, the number of diarrhea patients stays high. As data on Tuesday May 22nd 2007, 5 patients have died for the last 4 days The total number of died patients on January till May are 20 people. The increase of death patients has made the family member of the remaining patients worry. Chikunguya attacks Tanjung Priok district, North Jakarta, Tegal regency, and Bandarlampung. This disease was spread by Aedes aegypti mosquito, the same with the one spreading dengue disease.

Torrential rain for 2 days (5-6/5) in Palu, Central Sulawesi caused 10 kelurahans flooded. At least 1.000 houses were flooded and 5.000 people flee from home. Two people were died, and 4 were missing due to the flood. Meanwhile, flood in Luwu Utara, South Sulawesi has decreased rice stock. Lack of food and medicine were faced. In Kalimantan as general, flood has starts to decrease even though inundation still seen in some areas. Flood in Balangan, South Kalimantan inundated seven villages, 1.077 lives or 371 houses.

On malnourished issue, data from Mataram hospitals recorded 18 babies has been in treatment on 2007 caused by malnourished, 7 of them died. In Makassar, on period 2004/2005, there are 1.434 under five child have experienced malnourished . From Jakarta, child-under five in Kelurahan Jatibaru Cilincing, North were sick on malnourished. In Malang, at least 29 under five children are in critical state of malnourished followed by other illness such as bronchitis, pneumonia, lung TB, respiratory problem, and mental and heart retarded.

Landslide still occurs in several area of Indonesia. Landslide in 3 districts of Tanah Datar regency, West Sumatera killed 1 people and isolated hundreds as the main road were blocked. In Dieng, 12 new landslide spots are occurring. Landslide in Lempongsari killed 1 people. While 3 people died and 1 person were severely injured buried by landslide happen during the rock mining they done in Sendangboto village, Sragen, Central Java. Landslide in the main Sumatera road line closed the access. This location has experienced many landslide mostly happened after rain.

High tide varies on 2 meter to 6 meter high, hits 11 provinces (18/5), NAD, North Sumatera, West Sumatera, Bengkulu, Lampung, Banten, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, and Bali. At least 300 houses, 80 restaurants, and 400 boats were damaged. Tens thousand of citizens flee to a safer place from tide. By Saturday May 19th, high tide also hit Lombok Island (NTT) and Flores Island (NTB).

Republika online, May 11th May 2007 reported earthquake shake Molucas third time with the highest intensity 5.0 RS, no damaged reported. By May 14th 2007 at 4.31 pm 5.3 RS earthquake shake Nias, North Sumatera. No fatalities reported. LIPI states, people living in the “edge” of tectonic plate impact should be alert to big earthquake. In Indonesia, earthquake prone area lies in NAD, going through west coast of Sumatera to south side Java, then goes to east side to Molucas and Papua. “Molucaas area are the most extreme area as it is the meeting point of the 3 plates, Eurasia, Indo-Australia, and Pacific plate”

Several additional news are storm in Majene, fall prone land widen as the effect of mud flood (see page 53), massive fires in Tambora, West Jakarta, and compliment from UN for Bogor city for their continuous effort to reduce global warming.

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