Emergency Response on Jakarta Flood 2007 (part 1)
(Baca versi Bahasa Indonesia)
Following flood event in DKI Jakarta, since February 3rd 2007 ACF Indonesia has distribute emergency response to 1.791 households (931 households in Kampung Melayu and 860 households in Cipinang Besar Utara) which have been ACF’s pilot area for Disaster Preparedness Program and considered as most severe-affected areas. Aids have been distributed gradually, consist of:
- Five big tents and 6 water and sanitation centre for 6.000 people (4-5 water tanks in each centre, 1500-2000 litre/tank, refilled twice a day).
- Aid package: 3.632 Hygiene pack, 2 bath soaps per pack; and 1.820 Shelter pack, 2 blankets and 1 plastic mat per pack.
Collaborating with donors, ACF now in process to propose continuation aid for total of 12.000 people in the area mentioned above. Beside additional pack for hygiene pack (adding washing soap, disinfectant, and sheat), ACF also planned to build wider water and sanitation aid consist of:
- Twenty four drinking water distribution point supplied by water truck (60m3/d);
- Emergency latrines (depend on availability);
- Fourteen Public kitchens;
- Waste management by providing trash can and trash transposal for approximate 14.000 people.
Writer : Rayendra Thayeb (HoM Assistant)
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh