Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Rapid Assessment

(Baca versi Bahasa Indonesia)

The on-going Flood Disaster Preparedness Improvement Program (2005-2007) will expand its activity in other 2-3 Kelurahan with flood-prone communities. To identify such Kelurahans, ACF adopted a multi-dimensional method integrates some aspects as parameters.

First phase this process is collecting and analyzing secondary data acquired from Public Works Office, Indonesian Red Cross, Meteorology and Geophysics Board, mass media, etc.

Analyzing these secondary data, we finally identified 22 Kelurahans with slum and flood-prone area out of 267 Kelurahans in Jakarta
- Percentage of Householder living in flood prone area
- Percentage of RT living in flood prone area
- Percentage of community living in slum area
- Percentage of Householder living in slum area
- Percentage of Slum RW

The second phase is map analysis using Inundation-prone Map 2005 from PIPWS Ciliwung-Cisadane Project and Public Works Office of DKI Jakarta. From map analysis on 22 Kelurahans (result of first phase), 10 priority Kelurahans have been identified to be surveyed for primary data research. The third phase of this selection process is using remote sensing techniques with satellite data interpretation. The objective of satellite interpretation data is to identify high flood-risk settlements using parameters which can be visually analyzed: such as satellite image.

Some parameters are: settlement density, building’s size, width and quality of entry alley, settlement location, the existence of tree canopy, open space, existing danger potentials, health facilities, environment condition etc.

The forth phase is Rapid Assessment Survey. Data collected in this phase are: (1) Physical data such as; settlement condition, disaster vulnerability etc. (2) Social Data such as; capacity of governments and communities, commitment of Kelurahan Government and community in managing disaster, communities’ general condition, etc. Data collecting is performed using observation method, secondary data observation and interview with government and community in each Kelurahan.

Finally, after analyzing survey result, 3 prioritized Kelurahans are identified as new focus areas. These three Kelurahans are Kelurahan Cawang, Cipinang Besar Utara and Penjaringan. These new focus areas are analyzed using combination of physical environment and social aspect parameters covering:
- Level of Slum
- Level of flood vulberabilty
- Level of response and commitment of Kelurahan government
- Level of response and willingness to cooperate from Kelurahan's community
- Kelurahan area has to be free from land eviction program

Although the selection has identified 3 Kelurahan as priority, detailed and in-depth data are still needed to compose detailed focus program in the selected Kelurahans. For that reason, an in-depth survey activities will be held by the end of March-April 2006.

Writer : Eka Rianta
Editor : Erma Maghfiroh
Translator : Tata Translator