Emergency Response on Jakarta Flood 2007 (part 2)
(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)
Continuing our first article on flood, following is the second part (last) of the topic. During the last massive flood on Jakarta, ACF launched a programme named “Emergency assistance to the flood-affected population in Jakarta, Indonesia“.
The objective of the programme is to provide relief assistance in safe water, sanitation, access to food and non-food items (NFI) to flood-affected families. It was a one month programme, conducted on February 4th 2007 to February 28th 2007. The programme was implemented through several phase:
First phase, an assessment was conducted 4th and 5th of February 2007, in the two kelurahans of DKI Jakarta: Kampung Melayu and Cipinang Besar Utara. The two Kelurahans were selected as they were part of an ongoing disaster risk reduction programme. These areas are also among the flood prone and vulnerable areas of Jakrta. Beneficiaries are selected through the RW leaders (neighbourhoud leaders) who already identified teh IDP settlement camps and the flooded zones.
Second phase, an initial response. A total of 34 water points spread in 9 distribution points in Kampung Melayu and Cipinang Besar Utara were installed. Non food items (blankets, plastic mats and plastic sheeting) and hygiene kit were distributed in the aftermath of the flood.
Third phase, programme teams (integrated teams composed of Water and sanitation, Food security, Logistics and Disaster Preparedness personnel) complemented the local government response by:
- Liaising with the local response bodies and supporting the streamlining of emergency assistance.
- Setting up additional accommodation sites and water points
- Distribution of NFI at RW level (head of RW) in coordination with the Lurah with monitoring in the field.
14280 people (4760HH) have improved their living condition
This figure is above the initial objectives (12,000 people).Detailed number as follow:
- 4401 hygiene kits were distributed and used.
- 5568 Non Food Items kits were distributed.
- 14 public kitchens were donated to the local community base organization composed of women and to the Head of RW with evacuation places in order to empower their capacities to respond to any future disaster (8 for women group and 6 for evacuation places).
- 1990 tarpaulins were distributed to the affected population in KM and 10 were used to protect distributed items. By mutual agreement with ECHO, 20 dispensary tents were transferred to the DPI programme funded by DIPECHO for the 3 project in Jakarta. Those dispensary tents will be given to the community in prevention to potential future floods.

12,000 affected people have improved access to safe drinking water and hygiene.
-34 water points were installed and supplied by tankers from private company and PDAM. A total of 15 m3 / day were supplied, which means 1.25l/pers/day.
- 6 cleaning kits and 10 rubbish bins were distributed to the IDP camp of SMP26, sheltering 3,000 persons
- Garbage collection managed by ACF in Cipinang Besar Utara during 5 days with collaboration of the Government
- 3 new motor pump kits were purchased by ACF and will be distributed in Kampung Melayu, Cipinang Besar Utara and Penjaringan by the DPI department as a part of disaster prepardness program

This programme was mainly funded by ECHO
For more information about Water and Sanitation Programme, contact
Jean Christophe BARBICHE
Water and Sanitation Coordinator
For more information about Food Security Programme, contact
Food Security Coordinator
Writer : JC Barbiche
Editor : Erma Maghfiroh
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh