ECB3 Learning Event
(Baca versi Bahasa Indonesia)
ACF DPI Programme was invited to “End of ECB3 Project Learning Event” held in Grand Kemang Hotel, on March 20-21, 2007. DRR Assistant went to the event. Following are brief summary of information delivered. The Emergency Capacity Building Project (ECB) is a collective effort among leading humanitarian organizations, consist of:
- Oxfam
- Care
- Mercy Corps
- Save the Children
- World Vision
In world wide, there are 4 pilot programmes in Guatemala, 4 in Ethiopia and 1 in Indonesia
The project began in April 2005 and will end on March 31, 2007.
The goal of the ECB Project is to improve capacity for risk reduction and emergency preparedness among IWG agency staff, affected communities, and local and national authorities.
On headquarter level; each agency has 1 representative on the team to discuss the approach (CARE was chosen as leading agency). On Indonesia level, the agencies build Project Management Team (PMT) – consist of representative from each agency - as Steering Committee (CRS was chosen as the leading agency. PMT decide to do pilot project on Padang Pariaman, with Mercy Corps as coordinator. In Padang Pariaman, Mercy Corps collaborate with local NGO, KOGAMI.
On earthquake March’07, less panic was seen, as community have been inform about earthquake, tsunami and how it links. The condition is very much different than when earthquake struck Padang on 2005, tsunami issue causing big panic and chaos around the city.
Activities conducted by ECB - collaborating with KOGAMI:
- Preliminary Survey
- Risk Assessment
- Participatory Planning on Risk Reduction
- Implementation (School Education, Community Education, Simulation,
- Proposal Development on Risk Reduction Infrastructure)
- Few community have develop informal education skill and spread the information to their community
- On Earthquake, March 6th 2007, panic level has decreased up to 75%
- School and community activity continued normally right after earthquake
- Community leader and facilitator was able to directing and calming community Coordination skill on Satlak has improved, no longer trapped in complex bureaucratic system.
Cordaid was sharing it programme and approach on DRR while Sekda Bantul was sharing his experience on disaster management during the earthquake on 2006.
Update Information from Mr. Puji Pujiono about Disaster Management Bill. The Bill will be on ratification by March 27th 2007. There will be some opportunity can be captured by NGO’s:
- Dissemination
- Preparing, priming and supporting the main stakeholders (Local governments, sector ministries, civil society, and communities)
- Supporting the development of Implementing Regulation and Guidelines
- Presentation from CRS “The Emergency Capacity Building Project“(in English)
- Presentation from Mercy Corps “Capacity Building on Disaster Risk Reduction”(in bahasa)
- Presentation from Cordaid “Simplifying Disaster Risk Reduction” (in English)
- Presentation from KOGAMI “Lesson Learned from field” (in Bahasa)
- Presentation from Community Leader of Padang Pariaman “Capacity Building in Community Level” (in Bahasa)
- Presentation from School Representative in Padang Pariaman“
- Capacity Building in School Level” (in Bahasa)>
- Presentation from Regency Secretary of Bantul “Disaster Management in Bantul, Case Study: Earthquake May 27th 2006 in Bantul” (in Bahasa)
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh