Community Participation on Waste Management Workshop
(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)
On Tuesday, March 27th, a workshop titled Community Participation on Waste Management was held by Technology Research and Development Board (Badan Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi – BPPT) and South Jakarta Mayor. It was attended by government, community, NGOs, and private company. AcF is one of the participants.
The discussion was held on 2 sessions. First session explain composing method and techniques, management system and cost reducing. The second session present success story from individual person and company adopted those composing system.
Our capital Jakarta were lived by 8.922.699 people producing approximate 6000 tons waste per day, 55,37% of it were inorganic waste (Data form WJEMP, Project DKI June 3rd – 11th 2005). 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) campaign require socialization and transfer knowledge to community. Provincial Regulation of Jakarta Number 5 Year 1988 states waste management are the responsibility of Sanitation Office of Jakarta. The office is responsible for collection, transportation, and removal of waste. Therefore, Sanitation Office is now highly promoting 3R through many channels such as women group and youth group.
Sri Wahyono S Si, M.Sc, a speaker from BPPT was presenting a paper titled Waste Processing Technology for Household. Waste must be seen integrally. Technology is not the only answer. There are 5 components in waste problem: law, institution, funding, community participation, and technology. Pile of waste which the sliding as happened in Bandung is harm to people surrounding. Not only polluting the air, it also contains various type of disease.
Community participation on composing can give economical impact on their financial aspects. By then community are not only regarded as the source of waste, but also the main actor in 3R activity, and also receiver of financial aspect within. Using community based technology, it can be assured that easy to operates, cheap, acceptable technique were implemented. The technique includes waste separation, composing, process to make recycled paper, recycled plastic, and handicraft.
Some success story of waste management
- Integrated waste management in Mustika Tigaraksa Tangerang Banten housing, a collaboration of Bina Ekonomi Sosial Terpadu and BORDA Tangerang 2005. Community organization specifically for waste management was formed.
- Unilever Indonesia melakukan Company together with community were developing waste management. Unilever Foundation was acting as facilitator while community does the activities.
- Integrated waste management in householder level, promoted by Mrs. Harini Bambang Wahono in Banjarsari village, South Jakarta . She promotes composing and recycled process of waste. Banjarsari has become a clean and green environment now.
- Corporate Social Responsibility Programme conducted by Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Tbk Company. The company collaborates with community surrounding to manage their waste and recycling to be a souvenir which then can increase the income of community.
Writer : Nurely Yudha S
Editor : Erma Maghfiroh
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh