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Writer : Erma Maghfiroh
Label: Introduction
(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)
Previously reported in the first report to identify the new areas, ACF used an integrated method with remote sensing, secondary data analysis, and rapid assessment. Resulted from several processes previously highlighted, 267 kelurahan in DKI Jakarta were narrowed down to 3 priority kelurahans. These areas are: Cawang, Cipinang Besar Utara, and Penjaringan. These results from the in-depth survey conducted in the 3 kelurahans is the subject of this report.
This follow-up activity has used different method from those utilized during the rapid assessment. Previous activity select area using data processing completed with rapid assessment. This step focused more, as explicated in the title of the report,on an in-depth survey of these areas.
The government/kelurahan surveys, social/community survey and statistical data were used as a reference. Data analysis method used was more or less similar with mixed data analysis utilized earlier which is a scoring system, but for this round was preferred a mixed data scoring system. The data gather and analyzed for this survey were both qualitative and/or quantitative. 22 parameters and 7 parameter categories were used, which are:
- Government
- Community Organization
- Other NGos
- Flood-affected community
- Capacity
- Vulnerability
- Other category
These 22 parameters are: Government’s openness, Government’s disaster programme, community organization network, Other NGO’s existence, Community’s openness, Community’s mobilization, Community’s capacity, Education level, Productive age, Number of flood victims, Flood area, Building’s quality, Poverty, Population density, Easiness accessibility, Distance accessibility, Security, Potency of other disaster, and opportunity to develop other mitigation activity. Not all parameters are formulated positively. These negative parameters are: Other NGO’s existence, community capacity, education level, productive age, and security.
As a result of the data analysis and scoring, Cawang is at the top of the list to be included among the next flood preparedness programme locations, with a score of 78, followed by Cipinang Besar Utara (74) and Penjaringan (68).
Contact ACF for complete report of Indepth Survey.
Writer : Eka Rianta
Editor : Erma Maghfiroh
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh
(Baca versi Bahasa Indonesia)
The on-going Flood Disaster Preparedness Improvement Program (2005-2007) will expand its activity in other 2-3 Kelurahan with flood-prone communities. To identify such Kelurahans, ACF adopted a multi-dimensional method integrates some aspects as parameters.
First phase this process is collecting and analyzing secondary data acquired from Public Works Office, Indonesian Red Cross, Meteorology and Geophysics Board, mass media, etc.
Analyzing these secondary data, we finally identified 22 Kelurahans with slum and flood-prone area out of 267 Kelurahans in Jakarta
- Percentage of Householder living in flood prone area
- Percentage of RT living in flood prone area
- Percentage of community living in slum area
- Percentage of Householder living in slum area
- Percentage of Slum RW
The second phase is map analysis using Inundation-prone Map 2005 from PIPWS Ciliwung-Cisadane Project and Public Works Office of DKI Jakarta. From map analysis on 22 Kelurahans (result of first phase), 10 priority Kelurahans have been identified to be surveyed for primary data research. The third phase of this selection process is using remote sensing techniques with satellite data interpretation. The objective of satellite interpretation data is to identify high flood-risk settlements using parameters which can be visually analyzed: such as satellite image.
Some parameters are: settlement density, building’s size, width and quality of entry alley, settlement location, the existence of tree canopy, open space, existing danger potentials, health facilities, environment condition etc.
The forth phase is Rapid Assessment Survey. Data collected in this phase are: (1) Physical data such as; settlement condition, disaster vulnerability etc. (2) Social Data such as; capacity of governments and communities, commitment of Kelurahan Government and community in managing disaster, communities’ general condition, etc. Data collecting is performed using observation method, secondary data observation and interview with government and community in each Kelurahan.
Finally, after analyzing survey result, 3 prioritized Kelurahans are identified as new focus areas. These three Kelurahans are Kelurahan Cawang, Cipinang Besar Utara and Penjaringan. These new focus areas are analyzed using combination of physical environment and social aspect parameters covering:
- Level of Slum
- Level of flood vulberabilty
- Level of response and commitment of Kelurahan government
- Level of response and willingness to cooperate from Kelurahan's community
- Kelurahan area has to be free from land eviction program
Although the selection has identified 3 Kelurahan as priority, detailed and in-depth data are still needed to compose detailed focus program in the selected Kelurahans. For that reason, an in-depth survey activities will be held by the end of March-April 2006.
Writer : Eka Rianta
Editor : Erma Maghfiroh
Translator : Tata Translator
(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)Edward Turvill (Disaster Risk Reduction Coordinator)
Edward is the first member of DPI team. He was directly involved on the recruitment and selection process of the whole team member. Together with Edy, they develop the programme’s strategy and action plan since the activation phase, developing proposal to DIPECHO, and the implementation phase. As the Coordinator, coordination, supervision, and external liaison with DIPECHO as donor are in his scope of work. Edy Marbyanto (Head of Programme)
Edy leads the implementation of Disaster Preparedness Programme in Jakarta. His experience for more than 15 years in NGO will be very helpful to support participatory process in the field. He can be reached in the office contact number, although he also spent significant amount of time outside of office to built networks with other organization. Erma Maghfiroh (Assistant DRR Coordinator)
Her main duty is to support DRR Coordinator in his daily activities. She is the administrator of this blog. She also actively participates in some field activities in collaboration with the other DPI team. Erma is the focal point of ACF in Consortium for Disaster Education.
Arde Wisben (Community Organizer Team Leader)
Arde is in charge to coordinates the work Community Organizer (CO) in 3 kelurahan and to monitor the activity in the field in order to make sure the objective of the programme is achieved. Arde is also involved in various training process in the field supported by ACF.Eka Rianta Sitepu (Mapping & Database Officer)
Various maps created by Eka are very helpful to identified disaster prone area. The latest product developed by Eka is Multi Risk Map in 3 kelurahan. He is now in the process of supporting the kelurahan government to build more systematic database system.Moeh. Halim (Technical Adviser)
As a technical adviser, the development of training module, facilitation of training, and publication material is his responsibilities. His long experience as trainer in Indonesian Red Cross is expected to be preciously support to achieve the objective of DPI programme.Nurely Yudha Sinaningrum (Community Organizer)
Her nickname is Naning. He joined ACF since the previous phase on Jakarta programme 2003 – 2004. Her knowledge and relationship with the local community of Kelurahan Kampung Melayu are doubtless. As a Community Organizer of Kampung Melayu, she is the main communicator of ACF and has become very familiar with the area which flooded almost every year.Martius Marzuki (Community Organizer)
Local community of Kelurahan Cipinang Besar Utara has known him well. He was assigned to be Community Organizer in Kelurahan Cipinang Besar Utara since 2006. He is the main communicator for capacity building in local level located in Kelurahan Cipinang Besar Utara.
Nana Sutisna (Community Organizer)
Nana is the latest team member of DPI. Kelurahan Penjaringan, North Jakarta is his assigned location. His experience in research is his strength to be ACF communicator for the area with frequent flood caused by high tide.
Writer : Erma Maghfiroh
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh
Label: Introduction
(Baca versi Bahasa Indonesia)The European Union is the world’s largest provider of financing for humanitarian aid operations. Altogether, the European Commission in Brussels and the governments of the 25 Member pay for more than 50% of the assistance that comes from official channels. The European Commission itself is responsible for managing almost half of this aid. In 2005, the Commission provided €652 million for humanitarian projects in more than 60 countries, funding relief to millions of victims of disasters outside the European Union.
Within the Commission, operations are masterminded by the Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO) which comes under the responsibility of Commissioner Louis Michel. Operations include assessment of humanitarian needs in disaster areas, appropriate allocation of funds for goods and services such as food, shelter, medical provisions, water supplies, sanitation or emergency repairs and evaluation of the impact of the aid provided. Disaster preparedness and risk reduction projects in regions prone to natural catastrophes are also among the life saving activities financed through ECHO.
Aid is channelled impartially to the affected populations, regardless of their race, ethnic group, religion, gender, age, nationality or political affiliation, through our operational partners. The partners include around 180 European NGOs United Nations agencies and the Red Cross ‘family’.
More information about ECHO
Label: Introduction
(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)
In this modern day, the need for more protection of the environment and natural assets is a must. Survival of mankind depends on the choices made today. Mismanagement on nature and environment leads to significant natural resources extinction. It also results in high levels of risk and frequency of disasters such as life-threatening and destructive flood events and landslides.
As effects of topographical condition and human activities’ impact, DKI Jakarta has become a hazard-prone area (natural and man-made). Among these, floods are becoming more frequent. This is partly due to the numerous rivers that flow through the capital and other physical characteristics such as extensive low lying areas. However, among the contributing factors are human settlement and the management of the watershed. Flood plains and retention basins being converted for housing/industrial purposes and high-density slum areas encroaches river banks, making it difficult to ensure proper environmental management. Efforts must be sustained and increased in most areas to reverse this trend.
To overcome the flood problem in Jakarta the grassroots level must further be involved. Strengthening the capacities of the local authorities and community to be more resilient to flood related risks is essential. In the process the government and community can work together to be prepared and to prevent such occurrences in the future.
Strengthen local level initiatives and capacities on integrated disaster risk management in three flood-prone slum areas of DKI Jakarta.
Scope of Program
Label: Introduction
(Baca versi Bahasa Indonesia)
Action contre la Faim - Indonesia has been establihsed in 1998 upon invitation of the Ministry of Health to Action contre la Faim - France to improve access to safe water and nutrition in Irian Jaya. Since then, Action contre la Faim - Indonesia
has provided assistance to more than 350.000 people affected by the major humanitarian crises the country has experienced: Maluku, Aceh, Jawa and Sumatera.
In spite of significant improvement in the country, 26% of Indonesian children under five still suffer from malnutrition (UNSTATS, 2006). Action contre la Faim - Indonesia strives at sustaining and improving the nutritional status of the most vulnerable fringe of population. This includes tackling the underlying causes of malnutrition such as economic hindrance to access food, inapropriate feeding practices or lack of water. Typically, areas targeted in this vast country include in priority are those affected by a mix of natural disaster and poverty, wheter in large cities or in remote locations.
The 350 Action conte la Faim - Indonesia staff members (as of Sep 2006) run programs in 4 areas:Nutrition
In Partnership with public health institutions, Action contre la Faim - Indonesia proposes technical support in detecting and treating malnutrition and micro-nutrient deficiencies.Food Security
Action contre la Faim - Indonesia implements a wide range of food security programs designed to safeguard access to food, to ensure self-reliance and to enhance resilience: besides its long experience in in large scale food distributions in the immediate aftermath of major disaster (Maluku, NAD, etc),Action contre la Faim - Indonesia carries out livelihood projects towards recovery and development like economic empowerment; agriculture, improvement of practices and diversification of production, and fishery.
Water and Sanitation
The aim of Action contre la Faim - Indonesia water and sanitation program is threefold:
Label: Introduction
(Baca versi Bahasa Indonesia)
Action contre la Faim is a non governmental, non political, non religious, non profit organization. It was established in France in 1979 to deliver aid in countries throughout the world. The aim of Action contre la Faim is to save lives by combating hunger and diseases that threaten the lives of vulnerable children, women, and men.
Action contre la Faim
Action contre la Faim intervenes in the following situations:
Label: Introduction