(Baca versi Bahasa Indonesia)The European Union is the world’s largest provider of financing for humanitarian aid operations. Altogether, the European Commission in Brussels and the governments of the 25 Member pay for more than 50% of the assistance that comes from official channels. The European Commission itself is responsible for managing almost half of this aid. In 2005, the Commission provided €652 million for humanitarian projects in more than 60 countries, funding relief to millions of victims of disasters outside the European Union.
Within the Commission, operations are masterminded by the Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO) which comes under the responsibility of Commissioner Louis Michel. Operations include assessment of humanitarian needs in disaster areas, appropriate allocation of funds for goods and services such as food, shelter, medical provisions, water supplies, sanitation or emergency repairs and evaluation of the impact of the aid provided. Disaster preparedness and risk reduction projects in regions prone to natural catastrophes are also among the life saving activities financed through ECHO.
Aid is channelled impartially to the affected populations, regardless of their race, ethnic group, religion, gender, age, nationality or political affiliation, through our operational partners. The partners include around 180 European NGOs United Nations agencies and the Red Cross ‘family’.
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