Action contre la Faim International Network
(Baca versi Bahasa Indonesia)
Action contre la Faim is a non governmental, non political, non religious, non profit organization. It was established in France in 1979 to deliver aid in countries throughout the world. The aim of Action contre la Faim is to save lives by combating hunger and diseases that threaten the lives of vulnerable children, women, and men.
Action contre la Faim
Action contre la Faim intervenes in the following situations:
In natural or man made disasters that threaten food seurity or that result in famine; In situations of social/economic breakdown, linked to internal or external circumstances that place groups of people in extremely vulnerable positions; In situation where survival depends on humanitarian aid.
The goal of all Action contre la Faim programs is to enable beneficiaries to achieve their autonomy and self sufficiency.
Action contre la Faim -France
In 18 countries within Asia, Afrika and central Europe and America, Action contre la Faim - France fights hunger on five fronts: nutrition, food security, medical, water and sanitation, and advocacy 1.9 milion children, women and men have benefited from the help of Action contre la Faim - France 288 expatriates and 3400 local staff participate in Action contre la Faim - France programs Total income for 2005: 69 million euros
More than 75% of resources are devoted to field programs

The biggest institutional donors put their trust in us

Whilst carrying out its activities, Action contre la Faim respects the following principles:
Action contre la Faim acts according to its own principles so as to maintain its moral and financial independence. Action contre la Faim's actions are not defined in terms of domestic of foreign policies nor in the interest of any particular government.
Action contre la Faim maintains strict policies and religious neutrality. Nevertheless, Action contre la Faim can denounce human rights violation it witnesses as obstacles put in the way of its humanitarian action.
Non discrimination
A victim is a victim. Action contre la Faim refuses all discrimination based on race, sex, ethnicity, religion, nationality, opinion or social class.
Free direct access to victims
Action contre la Faim demands free access to victims and direct control of its programs. Action contre la Faim uses all the means available to achieve these principles, and will denounce and act against any obstacle preventing it form doing so.
Action contre la Faim is comitted to respecting a policy of total transparency with its partners and donors by making available all information on the allocation and management of its funds, and providing guarantess of its good management.
Writer : Rayendra Thayeb (HoM Assistant)
Translator: Rayendra Thayeb (HoM Assistant)