Satlinmas Penjaringan's Workshop
(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)
As a follow up of the Governor Decree of DKI Jakarta number 96 year 2002, Lurah Penjaringan has appointed people who are becoming the member of Community Protection Unit (Satlinmas). These people will become the front liner in disaster preparedness in Kelurahan Penjaringan. In term of institutional strengthening of Satlinmas, ACF sees the importance to gather Satlinmas members in a workshop named Satlinmas Workshop of Penjaringan. Through the workshop, they are expected to increase the level of understanding and therefore be able to develop a fixed procedure (Protap) for disaster management in Kelurahan Penjaringan.
The workshop took place in Rudian Hotel, West Java, on July 20th – 22nd 2007.
The objectives of the workshop are to give more understanding on the legal base of disaster management activity, to introduce disaster and vulnerability concept in Penjariangan area, to give wider perspective on how disaster management in kelurahan level works, and to develop a fixed procedure for disaster management in Penjaringan.Fourty participants, coming from various organization (kelurahan staff, Satpol PP, Linmas, Kelruahan Board, Karang Taruna, PKK, and RT RW representative) join the workshop.
The agenda were:
- Participant’s deliverance in Kelurahan office
- Opening
- Introduction to disaster
- Legal base on the establishment of Satlinmas
- Discussion on Satlinmas’ issue
- The structure of Satlinmas
- Development of disaster management fixed procedure
- Follow up plan
Finishing all the agenda, participants proposed several actions as follow up:
- Continuation training for each division
- Replenishment of Satlinmas’ equipment
- Establishing regular meetings
Writer: Arde Wisben
Editor : Erma Maghfiroh
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh