Movie Playing on 01 and 02 Elementary School of Kampung Melayu
(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)
Both 01 and 02 Elementary School use the same location. 01 uses the building in the morning while 02 use it on the afternoon. This activity was held on July 28th 2007. The movie playing was conducted twice on the same day, each for 01 and 02 elementary school. The library room was used as it has wide space which can provide comfort for the students. The session was joined by 33 students from 01 elementary school and 29 students from 02 elementary school. The purpose of the activity was to give more understanding on what to prepare in case flood happened. Their school and houses were located in frequent-flood affected areas. Narration and picture used in the film were expected to be easier to understand by the students.
Prior to the movie playing, facilitator explain the objective of this activity. After the movie, some questions were eagerly answered by the students. The students were then divided into 6 groups. Each group has different question to be discussed. In the end of the session, each group should present their answer to other. Students were also very enthusiast to share these information to their parents at home. They want their parents to know what to prepare in case flood happened.
Writer : Nurely Yudha
Editor : Erma Maghfiroh
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh