Essay and Debate Competition
(read indonesian version)
On 25 April 2009, ACF conducted Essay and Debate Competition. The participants of this activity were high school students and teachers from East and North Jakarta. The activity is aimed to engage school students and teachers in DRR issues and enhance the awareness level of students about the importance of community initiatives in DRR, especially school-based communities. As the panelists for this competition, ACF invited Mr. Del Afriadi Bustami from LIPI, Mrs. Hidayati from Center of Curriculum DEPDIKNAS, Ms. Martha Warta Silaban from Tempo Magazine, and Mr. Martius Marzuki drom DRR Program ACF-Indonesia.
The participants were selected through selection process. On 12 March 2009, ACF announced Essay and Debate Competition to schools and request schools to send their writings with the theme: ‘My School is ready to confront flood’. From 12 schools that sent their writings, ACF chose 9 schools as nominees to present their presentations on 25 April 2009.
The 9 nominees are:
Team 1
SMAN 113 Jakarta
‘Indahnya Sekolah Tanpa Banjir’
Team 2
SMAN 11 Jakarta
‘Permasalahan Banjir di SMAN 11 dan Lingkungan Sekitarnya serta Upaya Mengatasinya’
Team 3
SMAN 13 Jakarta
’Sekolah Kami Siap Menghadapi Banjir’
Team 4
SMAN 111
’Sandal Jepitku Mengapung Lagi’
Team 5
SMAN 62 Jakarta
’Banjir Datang, Siap Dihadang!’
Team 6.
SMAN 89 Jakarta
‘Banjir? Siapa Takut!’
Team 7.
SMAN 11 Jakarta
’Ancaman Banjir di Sekolah? Bisa Ditanggulangi koq!’
Team 8.
SMKN 52 Jakarta
’Gerakan Menghadapi Banjir’
Team 9.
SMAN 62 Jakarta
’Banjir Membawa Berkah’
The activity conducted in Alia Hotel, Cikini starting from 09.00 am to 04.30 pm. Each team presented their presentation in a very good way. The panelists also showed their enthusiasms by raising a lot of questions and advising to each nominee to explor their understanding about flood disaster and school capacity in flood preparedness.
Based on substances of writing and presentation, debate process, and presentation skill in delivering the messages, the winners are:
1st winner : SMKN 52 Jakarta (‘Gerakan Menghadapi Banjir’)
2nd winner : SMAN 26 Jakarta (‘Banjir Membawa Berkah’)
3rd winner : SMAN 11 Jakarta (‘Permasalahan Banjir di SMAN 11 dan Lingkungan Sekitarnya serta Upaya Mengatasinya’
Congratulations for the winners and the nominees. Hopefully they can keep up their achievement and increase school and community’s awareness around them about flood disaster preparedness!