Press Review for January 2008
(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)
On January, rain occurs in almost all area in Jakarta. By January 1st watermark in Katulampa has reached 140 cm meaning Alert IV. Provincial government has stated that they will improve coordination mechanism to anticipate flood. On January 3rd, flood has occurred in several areas of Jakarta. Kampung Melayu as the most frequent flooded area has had 830 person evacuate in Santa Maria school.Jakarta’s crisis centre has prepared 200 rubber boats for evacuation. In Muara Baru, sea water again stagnate houses. This time the water comes at 10am and recedes by 6pm. In the context of flood management, provincial government has also targeted to finish all land redemption for East Flood Canal by 2008.
Flood was also hit several areas in Central Java and East Java. In Central Java, flood hit Solo, Cepu, Kudus, Banyumas, and Karanganyar. In East Java, by January 2nd, death toll has reached 3 people. The total number for East Java and Central Java death toll are 100 people with 2 billion in economic loss. Sambas and Bandung was also experience flood in January. Heavy rain in Papua was even causing landslide. While in Manado, 4 houses were buried by landslide.
Dengue in Kupang has killed 2 children. In Nagekeo NTT, extraordinary status has been issued following the death of 2 children. Dengue was also affecting Central Jakarta and Bekasi. From East Jakarta 537 people were affected. Avian Influenza has again spread. In Bandung, one suspect died on January 7th. The other death victim comes from Bekasi. Up to January 30th, the death toll has reached 101 people. Malnourished cases were found in Riau, South Kalimantan, and South Sulawesi.
Storm damaged number of houses in Tegal and Ende. In Bekasi, 321 houses were damaged by storm. On January 6th 150 houses in Makasar were damaged by storm. The other area experiencing flood is Kepulauan Seribu, NTT, Jepara, Brebes,Palembang, and Cirebon.
A 6.2 RS earthquake has killed a child and injured another 4 in Nias Island. Satkorlak has announce 11 provinces in disaster prone province. These provinces are South Sumatera, Lampung, DKI Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Yogyakarta, Central Java, East Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat, and South Kalimantan.