Flood in Penjaringan, November 2007
(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)
Kelurahan Penjaringan area, especially RW 017, or known as Muara Baru, experienced flood since Sunday 25th November 2007. Coastal flood is a frequent event as this area lies on low land of coastal area. Over the past few years, water debit on coastal flood has increased.
The main reasons of the flood are; First: Sea level has exceeded the height of the dam, causing sea tide flows to houses easily. Second: the drainage in this area is clogged making it more difficult to sea water to recede.
Sea water starts to enter houses on 8 am. Based on information from communty, the highest water volume happens on Monday November 26th 2007. After that day, water still come to the land after the day but not as high as on Monday. The water usually starts to recede on 4 pm, by 7 pm all water has receded. But in the next day, water will come again at around 8 am.Picture's explanation: The left picture was taken in the morning when water comes, and the left pictures was taken in the afternoon when the water has recede.
Inundated Area:
• RW 01, water mark 30 cm
• RW 02, water mark 30 cm
• RW 03, water mark 30 cm
• RW 017, 8 RT flooded up to 1 meter high. The worst affected areas are RT 18, 19 and 20
Injured Victims
Three people were injured hit by wood block carried away by flood.
Damaged Houses
There are 16 houses collapsed in RW 017 were hit by sea water and wood block carried away by flood.
- Kelurahan (2 evacuation tents, 10 box of instant noodle, and 30 box of mineral water
- Indonesian Red Cross (100 pc of blankets, 30 box of instant noodle, and 2 sack of mineral water)
- UPC (1 evacuation tent)
A health post was also set up by Penjaringan Sub District.
Community Activity
Plenty of people choose not to do their activity as most of their revenue comes from trading. Market activity was completely stopped because the market was flooded. Small shops (warung) which lies in higher ground or have private small dike were still operated.
Access to transportation
Mobilization was conducted by trishaw (becak) or boat. Some of people choose not to do any activity and waiting for the water to recede instead.Vulnerable Group
Children and elder usually stays in their second floor’s house. If in any case, some of them need to leave the house, SAR team will help the evacuation process using boat.
Head of Lurah as Chairman of Satlinmas has conducted several efforts as follows:
- Setting up evacuation tent in Iron Factory.
- Setting up 2 public kitchens (1 in Kelurahan Office, another one in Gedung Pompa)
- Coordinating SAR Team
- Distributing food aid
Based on the assessment result, ACF decided to send 2 rubber boat for RW 017, Kelurahan Penjaringan.
Writer: Arde Wisben
Translator: Erma Maghfiroh