Jakarta’s Disaster Awareness Week
(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)
Implementing Governor’s instruction number 124 Year 2007, Satkorlak organize a series of activity on Jakarta’s Disaster Awareness Week, held on October 25th – 31st 2007. ACF was invited to participate on these activities. There are 2 activities ACF participating on, namely Flood Anticipation Simulation and Disaster Awareness Exhibition.
On Flood Anticipation Simulation held on Boroboudur University, Kalimalang, East Jakarta, ACF sent representatives of Satlinmas member from 3 intervention area (Kampung Melayu, Cipinang Besar Utara, and Penjaringan). Ten people from each Kelurahan participate on the simulation.ACF was also participating on the exhibition held in Monas, October 25th – 28th 2007. The exhibition was launched by Vice Governor of DKI Jakarta, Prijanto. Not only launching the exhibition, the vice governor spare time to visit each of booth that were opened. Several government institutions, Police, Non government institution were participating. UNTWG (UN Technical Working Group) was also part of the participants. ACF’s stand took concept of “Are my room is ready for flood?” A number of furniture was exhibited on the booth, such as cupboard, mattress, chair, and mat. ACF was also promoting the effort can be taken to save personal belonging by wrapping it all with plastic bag and tighten it very hard. The effort can minimize the risk of missing or damaged belonging during the flood. But off course, all of the belonging needs to be moved to a safer/higher place.
Related Articles.
• Pemda Jakarta : Pemprov DKI Gelar Pekan Sadar Bencana
• PMI Jakarta : Pekan Sadar Bencana Tahun 2007 Propinsi DKI Jakarta
• Dinas Kesehatan : Pameran Pekan Sadar Bencana 2007
• Dinas Pemadam Kebakaran : Pameran Dan Pekan Sadar Bencana Di Kawasan Silang Monas
• Orari DKI Jakarta : Pekan Sadar Bencana
ORARI DKI Jakarta 25-28 Oktober 2007