Meeting of Kelurahan Board of Penjaringan
(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)
Indonesian Law Number 34 Year 1999 about Government Structure on Capital City of Jakarta mandates the existence of Kelurahan Board on each Kelurahan. This law then further explained by Provincial Law Number 5 Year 2000 about Kelurahan Board which then followed up by Jakarta’s Governor Decree Number 3 Year 2001 about Procedure and Requirement for the Selection of Kelurahan Board.
According to Provincial Law Number 5 Year 2000, Kelarahan Board is a consultative representative of Rukun Warga (RW) as instrument for participatory involvement of community in the government as a manifestation of democracy in Kelurahan level.
Approaching 1 year after the inaguration, Kelurahan board in Penjaringan for year 2006 – 2011 doesn’t have work plan yet. On the request of the chairman of Kelurahan Board, ACF held training on how to develop work plan for Kelurahan Board member.
The objective of the training is to facilitate Kelurahan Board’s work plan development and to socialize the 2007 Musrenbang (Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan). As a result of the training, Kelurahan Board is expected to understand their work scope and having enough skill and information to be able to defend their argument on the musrenbang process.
The training was held on April 14th 2007 and followed 17 participants, consist of 16 Kelurahan Board members and 1 UPK-MK member.
Session 1. Kelurahan Board’s Commitment.
This session results an agreement on Kelurahan Board’s Commitment, as follows "We are representative of the community trusted to bridge the aspiration, to become the servant and the implementer of the community empowerment programme in Kelurahan level."
The commitment was written on the canvas and signed by all participants.
Session 2.Work Plan Development.
The work plan were developed based on SMART criteria (Spesific, Measurable, Achieveable, Reasonable, Time-bound)
Session 3. Follow up Plan, Musrenbang as planning medium.
This session result an agreement on Kelurahan Board to dig further problems in community and addressing these problems in the next Kelurahan development budget of 2008.
Writer : Arde Wisben
Editor : Erma Maghfiroh
Translator : Erma Maghfiroh