GIS-based Participatory Mapping Training in Kelurahan Penjaringan
(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia
A comprehensive planning is needed not only in the provincial level; comprehensive knowledge and understanding are needed in the lowest administrative level. The term “planning” being used is focusing in the capacity of Kelurahan’s official, Satlinmas, and community member to know their area, to draw, and to manage properly.
The objective of this training is to train officials and persons to have knowledge and skill in developing and updating map of their area (Kelurahan level) to better support the planning process mainly in disaster management issue.
Finishing the training, participants are expected to:
1. Be better identifying their area and describe all the potency available, whether it is positive (resource) or negative (disaster) potencies.
2. Be able to make specific map of their area digitally.
3. Be able to manage a map including special data and secondary data, and to maintain it to be used for planning process mainly on disaster management issue.
The training contents are:
1. Introduction and basic knowledge of GIS
2. Spatial data management
3. Introduction of mapping software and GIS
4. Developing a simple map
5. Creating layout for simple map
6. Data attribute and map statistic
7. Geo referencing
8. Map digitations
9. Developing layout for a specific map (eg:disaster)
10. Introduction and Knowledge about GPS
11. Field data collecting using GPS and downloading GPS data
The training take place in Kelurahan Penjaringan office on July 4th-7th 2007. Action contre la Faim collaborates with Kelurahan Penjaringan.The session was held in Bahasa. Eleven participants were coming from Kelurahan’s official, Satlinmas member, Youth Organization member, community representative, representative from MercyCorps, and CBDRM NU. Eka Rianta (Database and Mapping Officer, Action Contre la Faim) acted as the instructor. The training used presentation, question and answer, computer practice, and field survey method.
GIS is a system used to manage, to storage, to manipulate, to analyze and to emerge data. These data are spatially related to earth surface. GIS always in computer based. There are 5 elements composing GIS, they are: Hardware, Software, Data, Analysis, and Human. GIS is supported by Remote Sensing and GPS technology. The software being used is ArcView version 3.3.
In general, participants can understand and doing operation satisfactory. In the first practice; making a simple map, all participants can implement the steps given earlier by the instructor. Participants were also having full opportunity to actively tries the menu available on the software.
Exercises were given to trigger creation and thinking skill of the participants. The exercise was focused on thematic map (disaster mapping and land use mapping).
Field activity is needed. One of the field activities conducted in this training as direct data entry using GPS (Global Positioning System). The type GPS used is navigation system as this system is using handheld device which can be moved easily.<
It can be concluded that this training transferred so much benefit to participants. Community representative are now in better knowledge and understanding of their area; capable to identify certain risk and hazard apply in their area. As follow up plan, participants are planned to implement their new knowledge and skill to their area.
Writer: Eka Rianta
Editor: Erma Maghfiroh
Translator: Erma Maghfiroh