Dengue Risk Area
(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)
One of the endemic diseases, dengur has caused another disaster among other disaster strike Indonesia. Several days ago, Jakarta province has once again declares its Extraordinary State (Kejadian Luar Biasa – KLB) in dengue. Several other areas in Indonesia also face the same threat. KLB was indicated by a significant increase in the number of dengue case in an area, reaching twice or more compared to the same time frame on the previous year. A lot of factors can influence the case, but they can be divided into 2 major group: human factor and environment factor. Using these 2 factors, dengue risk area identification can be conducted. Identifying the areas is expected to optimize the coping mechanism on this particular disease.
Dengue Risk Map Availability
With all the well-planed monitoring activity conducted by related institutions, writer thinks that one of the main objectives of the activity has yet to be achieved. It is deciding dengue prone area. On determining these areas, there will be several classes adopted
- Rawan I (endemic): Village/Kelurahan annually affected in the last 3 years.
- Rawan II (sporadic): affected although not annually within the last 3 years.
- Rawan III (potential): unaffected within the last 3 years, but having dense population and transportation access with other areas,
- Free Zone: unaffected and more than 1000m height from sea surface.
A risk map with 3 years historical data can be used for long term on developing planning for anticipation. In the other hand, if it was based on daily or weekly data, it will tend to be a monitoring tool which then can be used to predict.
Dengue Risk Map
Dengue risk map is predicted to be more useful than dengue prone map. Dengue risk map will include vulnerability factor extracted from environment condition. There are many factors in environment subject, but we can use the most influential factor which is settlement quality. Settlement quality can reflect socio economic factor whereas lower economic level leads to less capacity to fight dengue. Settlement quality also reflects the quality of the surround environment which is very influential in dengue spread.
Case Study
Multi hazard mapping (flood, fire, and dengue) has been conducted in 3 kelurahan: Kampung Melayu, Cipinang Besar Utara – East Jakarta and Kelurahan Penjaringan – North Jakarta together with local communities and volunteer. The activity was funded by ECHO (European Commission Humanitarian Aid) and Action Contre la Faim, an international NGO based in Paris. The activity was conducted on July 2006 – March Maret 2007. The result has been presented in Jakarta Planning Board and Public Health Office of East Jakarta.
The mapping uses 2 parameters: number of dengue case and settlement quality. Using GIS and satellite imaging for modelling and analysis and scoring for data analysis, the process resulted in 3 different map for each kelurahan.
The study resulted that in all 3 kelurahan, the percentage of dengue risk areas are in mid class *(58 – 68%). In Kampung Melayu, 6.611 people (29% population) live in dengue risk area, while in Cipinang Besar Utara the number are 13.883 people (35%), and last in Penjaringan, 33.604 people (60%).

By identifying which RT/RW in risk area, related institutions or community can are expected to act some prevention activity, such as: fogging, clean community activity, and counselling.
Writer : Eka Rianta
Editor : Erma Maghfiroh
Transalator : Erma Maghfiroh