Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Selected Participants for Apprenticeship Program

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)


17 applications were so far received by December 16th 2007, ACF finally select 3 candidates to undergo the apprenticeship program. They come from various NGOs working in disaster related activities. Following are the short profile of apprentice.

Milka Jalla
Milka works in Lendola Foundation, an NGO based in Alor, East Nusa Tenggara, as a field officer. She works on Lendola Foundation since 2005. She was chosen as representative of Lendola Foundation in terms of capacity building training. She has experience as community facilitator. Alor experienced multi Hazard risk, such as earthquake, flood, tide wave, and social conflict. Lendola , in collaboration with PIKUL, is currently working on CBDRM project. According to Milka, Her objective in joining the apprenticeship program is to increase the knowledge and skill in disaster risk management, community organizing, and CBDRM to be implemented in her area of intervention.

Muh. Sukirno Kasnur
Sukirno works as Program Officer in local NGO named TRUST (Treatment Natural Resources Team). TRUST is based on Baubau, Sulawesi Tenggara. Babu-bau has low intensity rain, but preparedness of the government in flood management is relatively low. In the past, TRUST has been developing infrastructure on flood management. In the future, TRUST is planning to attach community based approach on their flood management program.

Ghufron works as emergency relief and peace building officer AMAN Indonesia. He joined AMAN Indonesia on September 2006. AMAN Indonesia is currently developing a work plan for disaster preparedness in Cakung, East Jakarta. The opportunity to increase knowledge and skill from Disaster Preparedness Program run by ACF is according to him a good asset. Sharing of information, skill, and networks are his expectation on apprenticeship beside valuable knowledge on disaster preparedness.

Closing up

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Launching of ACF's Apprenticeship Program

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

In effort to support human resources development at local level, Action Contre la Faim (ACF) through its Disaster Preparedness Program is launching an apprenticeship program in Disaster Preparedness. The apprenticeship program will select 2 or 3 participants from local NGO’s or local government of disaster prone area to join series of activities in ACF for 1 month. During the session, participants will have the opportunity to adopt, modified, and develop the knowledge they received through the program into their own area.

The objectives of the program are:

  • Sharing of information and experience between ACF and partner agencies as participants of the apprenticeship program.
  • Improve knowledge and skill of participants in Community Based Disaster Management
  • Improve network between apprenticeship participants with various DRR practionners and other stakeholders involved at different level in DRR.
  • Receiving feedbacks from participants on the performance of Disaster Preparedness Program conducted by ACF in 3 Kelurahans.
The apprenticeship program is planned to be followed by 2-3 participants. To be the selected participants, several criteria needed to fulfilled are:
  • Minimum High school graduate
  • Staff of government institution or LNGO, CBDO working in disaster management activities, and located in flood prone area.
  • Candidates are staff who currently working on disaster management program or projected to work in disaster management program in their institution.
  • Show strong motivation and commitment to work on disaster management program
  • Willing to undertake the apprenticeship program and to implement the knowledge received in their institution.
  • Having commitment support from the line manager in their institution.
Time and Venue
The apprenticeship program will be conducted in Jakarta on January 14th until February 8th 2008 (20 working days).

The content of the program are:
  • Disaster Risk Management basic concept and Community Based Disaster Management approach Capacity Building in CBDM
  • Community Organizing in CBDM
  • Disaster Education and Campaign
  • Field activity in 3 Kelurahan (learning by doing)
  • Coordination/networking (meetings attendance, events …)
  • Report Writing
  • Restitution: Designing and implementing a CBDM
Expected Outcome
As the output, participants are expected to have:
  • The knowledge of basic concept of Disaster Risk Management
  • The knowledge to analyze various stakeholders on Disaster Risk Management field
  • The knowledge of the concept of Community Organizing
  • The skill to analyze other area in the concept of Disaster Risk Management
Additional Information
ACF provides reimbursement of air transportation for economy class and land transport. The maximum amount to be given for transportation is 2.500.000 IDR, which will be given based on real expenses. ACF will provide meal allowance for 50.000 IDR per day for 20 day. Accommodation in Jakarta will be provided.

For more information, contact:
Erma Maghfiroh
Jl Dharmawangsa IX No. 120
Phone. 021-7257320 or 7220775
Fax. 021-7248768
Email :

How to Apply
Submit your CV at latest Sunday December 16th 2007.
Submit 1 page essay of where you currently working and what makes you interested to join the program.
Submit a written statement to participate fully on the whole session conducted (20 working days) and recommendation letter from his/her manager.

All document to be send to at latest Sunday, December 16th 2007

Selected candidates will be contacted by ACF at latest Wednesday 19th December 2007.

Selected Participants
Closing up

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Monday, December 3, 2007

Press Review for November 2007

(Baca Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

Jakarta has started to prepare itself for flood. Since November 6th, flood has occur in 4 areas ofEast Jakarta, namely Kampung Melayu, Bidara Cina, Cawang, and Kramat Jati. No evacuation has been conducted. On November 19th, following the massive rain in Jakarta and “water shipment” from Bogor and Depok has widen the flooded area in Jakarta. In Kampung Melayu, Bukit Duri, and Petogogan, flood has reach 1 – 1.5 meters high. Not only in Jakarta, several other provinces has also experience flooding. It was recorded that Riau, Central Java, Papua New Guinea, South Kalimantan, North Sumatera, and Banten were also flooded in several areas.

On disease issue, diarrhea attack North Jakarta area. Unsterilized mineral water was suspected to be the cause. A number of 113 people were infected and 7 of them even died. Avian Influenza was still occurring. Another death occurs in Riau and Tangerang. From DIY, dengue was recorded to take at least 10 lives per year. In Magelang, the Health Office has increase their preparedness due to increase of dengue case in the there area. Other disease-related topic in highlight this month are extraordinary occurrence of Anthrax in Kotabaru, Ende NTT, Malaise killed 17 people in NTB during 2007, extraordinary occurrence of Chikunguya in Purwakarta, and Health Office of Sumenep found 50 cases of malnutrition.

Earth Quake in Dompu, NTB killed at least 6 people, injured hundreds of people, and causing damage up to 70 billion IDR. Bengkulu was also experiencing earthquake on Tuesday Morning November 6th 2007, November 11th, November 17th, and November 29th 2007. While massive rain has caused landslide in Banjarnegara, Kebumen, and Banyumas. Two people were reported to be dead. Landslide was also happened in Pontianak, West Kalimantan. Hurricane phenomenon still occurs in Semarang Central Java, Pati, and Sidoarjo.

International news, death victims of Sidr Hurricane in Bangladesh has reached 1800 people. The number was later on revised by Bangladesh Red Crescent to be 10.000 people. In Dominika, Noel Storm has killed 81 people, Titag Storm in Philippine killed 10 people, earthquake in Niigata Japan killed 6 people, and humanitarian crisis in Somalia has caused 88.000 people flles from their home.

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